Lake Street 虛擬工程公聽會
按一下此處以存取虛擬工程公聽會 Lake Street 專案將於 2022 年 6 月 13 日上午 9:30 至 2022 年 6 月 24 日晚上 11:30 舉行虛擬工程公聽會。在這兩週之內,您可以隨時在本網頁上存取虛擬工程公聽會。 Lake Street 專案經過廣泛、徹底的社區對外宣傳流程,為本次虛擬工程公聽會上展示的設計提案提供參考意見和依據。利益相關者可以藉此機會查閱設計提案...
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按一下此處以存取虛擬工程公聽會 Lake Street 專案將於 2022 年 6 月 13 日上午 9:30 至 2022 年 6 月 24 日晚上 11:30 舉行虛擬工程公聽會。在這兩週之內,您可以隨時在本網頁上存取虛擬工程公聽會。 Lake Street 專案經過廣泛、徹底的社區對外宣傳流程,為本次虛擬工程公聽會上展示的設計提案提供參考意見和依據。利益相關者可以藉此機會查閱設計提案...
在 2 月 6 日舊金山交通管理局(SFMTA)董事會會議上,董事會一致通過了 M 洋景路線交通和安全項目。 透過凸出式人行道、上客區、新的輪椅無障礙公車站、站點位置變更、公車專用道、站點設施增強等改進措施,該項目將減少延誤、升級站點並提高該交通走廊的安全性。 今年將實施的快速建設項目 雖然全面施工要到 2026 年才開始,但預計今年晚些時候一些快速建設項目帶來的好處將變為現實,其中包括:...
自兩週前推出 West Portal 站安全和社區空間改進專案以來,我們收到了數千名社區成員對此專案提案的意見回饋。 感謝大家完成問卷調查、參加走廊上的臨時街站活動,或以街區、商家或社區團體成員的身份與我們會面。 4月23日(星期一)在Vicente Street與West Portal Avenue交叉路口的臨時街站外展 雖然我們仍在審查收到的所有意見回饋,但我們想分享所聽到的內容...
West Portal站安全和社區空間改善專案[是一項新的工作,旨在回應第7區參事梅義加(Myrna Melgar)和London Breed市長關於改善West Portal站附近安全的要求。 我們聽到社區成員說,他們長期以來一直覺得這個不尋常的交叉路口和周圍地區令人困惑,需要改善。 以各種模式(開車、步行、騎腳踏車)出行的人們都注意到,當他們在寬闊的交叉路口看著Muni列車和巴士...
輕軌K線(K Ingleside)快線專案將由三藩市交通局 (SFMTA)董事會在3月5日(星期二)的會議上審議批準. 擬議專案包括改善公共交通出行時間和可靠性、增加列車載客量和加強海洋大道(Ocean Avenue)上每個人的交通安全的工具,例如: 上車島升級: 在四個停靠站,專案將延長並加寬兩個上車島。這將使我們能夠改善停靠站設施,並在輕軌K線(K Ingleside...
在 2024年3月5日舊金山交通管理局(SFMTA)董事會會議上,董事會投票批准K Ingleside 快速工程。 升級後的上客區、公車專用道、行人隔離帶、新的商業裝卸區以及交通改造將幫助我們達成提高公車係統運力和可靠性,以及加強洋景大道交通安全的目標。 預計今年晚些時候實施快速建設項目 儘管我們計畫 2027 年開始基本建設的全面施工,但預計今年晚些時候將看到一些快速建設項目帶來的益處,其中包括...
我們希望聽到您的意見 舊金山交通局將舉行社區會議,討論未來兩年預算,包括潛在的票價、費用、罰款和服務變更。 如需瞭解更多資訊、會議詳情以及免費語言協助,可以瀏覽,致電 415.646.2299 或電郵至 會議日期 Zoom 視訊會議將於 2月 22 日 星期四下午 5:00 至晚上 7:00 舉行。 親臨現場的會議將於 3 月...
三藩市交通局(San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency)於1999年得到選民的見議,該機構會負責管理城市的地面交通系統,這包括Muni,泊車和 路面交通,自行車,步行和出租車的交通。每天 有超過100萬人是靠著我們來確保整個城市的安全和可靠的交通流動性。 我們所做的事情, 都是以市民做核心,我們在制定2019年和2020年營運和資本預算時...
The Muni Metro light rail system features six lines: the J Church, K Ingleside, L Taraval, M Ocean View, N Judah and the T Third. These lines serve downtown and neighborhoods in the western and southeastern parts of San Francisco. Below is more detailed information on the accessible features in our Metro system, how to board in the subway, how to board on the surface, and some additional tips for using the Metro.
Priority seating for seniors and customers with disabilities is located immediately behind the train Operator’s compartment at both ends of the car. The priority seating includes the first rows of aisle-facing seats, which flip up to accommodate a wheelchair, and the first rows of forward-facing seats.
Please Note:
On crowded trains, the priority seats may already be occupied by seniors and people with disabilities or by other customers. Upon request, operators can ask passengers to give up their seats, but cannot force them to do so.
All vehicles have a vehicle identification number plate at each end that includes four digits plus the letter A or B to denote the end of the vehicle. The signs are located approximately 60" from the floor on the flat panel behind the Operator’s compartment and include raised characters and braille. Customers must provide the vehicle number in order to report problems with equipment or service.
Vehicles are equipped with push button-activated intercoms, to be used in case of emergency, which allow customers to communicate with the train Operator. The intercoms are located next to the door behind the Operator’s compartment at each end of the car.
The stairwells on all of our LRVs can be raised or lowered. For street level stops on the surface, these steps are kept in the lowered position. For stops at high level platforms the stairs are raised. A bell sounds when the steps are lowering to warn passengers to move away from the doors. At high level platforms, step extensions, which deploy automatically when the doors are opened, are used to reduce the gap between the LRV floor and the station platform.
Each LRV is equipped with four flip-up seating areas near the front and rear of the train car. These seats can be flipped up to accommodate most mobility devices. If you are concerned about whether your mobility device can be accommodated, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services (415.701.4485; TTY 415.701.4730).
Muni may be able to accommodate a Segway, when used as a mobility device. You will need a Permit. For more information on Segway accommodations, please call or contact Matthew West (415) 701-4439, or
Service Animals are allowed on the Muni Metro. Service animals must be leashed and under the control of thier owner at all times.
More Information:
The Muni Metro stations from West Portal to The Embarcadero are underground. The downtown subway stations (between Civic Center and The Embarcadero) are shared by Muni and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). These stations are multi-level, with a concourse level, a Muni boarding platform at mid-level and a BART platform at the lowest level. Downtown stations are identified by distinctive print signs and braille signs.
All underground stations are accessible by elevator. The street level elevators at each station are located on the north side of Market Street near a station entrance and are marked by a sign. The street elevator will take you to the concourse level, where signs are posted to direct you to the platform elevator. At the concourse level of the shared downtown stations, Muni and BART have separate and distinct station agent booths and faregate arrays. A shared elevator provides access from the concourse to both the Muni and BART platform levels. For information on elevator status, please call the San Francisco Customer Service Center at 311 (415.701.2311 outside of San Francisco). You may also contact BART’s elevator information line at 510.834.LIFT (510.834.5438) or 888.235.3828. Elevator alerts can be texted to your phone by signing up for "Watch Route Alerts" and choosing to receive alerts for either the J, K, L, M, N or T Lines (text message rates apply).
More Information:
You must pay your fare prior to boarding the elevator to the platform. Passengers are encouraged to pay with a Clipper Card by tagging the card at the Clipper reader near the elevator to the platform. Passengers who are eligible to pay a discounted fare but do not have a Clipper Card or transfer must purchase a ticket from a ticket vending machine near the station agent booth. The ticket must be tagged at the Clipper reader on the concourse level near the elevator in order to serve as valid proof of payment.
More Information:
Once on the Muni platform of a shared station, signs will direct you to the inbound or outbound side. Look for the red “boarding area” signs on the trackside walls (opposite the platform waiting area) that indicate where to wait for a train. On the platform, overhead digital signs display the line name and destination of the train that is boarding as well as the next train pulling into the station. A recorded voice also announces the predicted arrival time of the next three trains in the subway. Metro maps are installed on the trackside walls and tactile maps of the entire Muni system are located on the subway platforms at the inbound and outbound boarding areas.
Accessible stops for wheelchairs and other mobility devices are located at regular intervals and at major destinations such as schools and hospitals. Accessible surface stops are generally low-level island stops with a ramp up to a small high-level platform for those who need level boarding.
On the T Line all surface stops are wheelchair accessible, with high platforms that provide level boarding at all doors. There are ramps at one or both ends of these platforms. On the M Line, the platforms at Stonestown and San Francisco State are also high-level platforms.
More Information:
To board from an accessible island stop, wait for your train on the high platform. When the train arrives, the Operator will raise the interior stairs and position the vehicle so that you can board at the first door. Let the Operator know your destination stop as soon as you board and whether you need help with the jump seats at a stationing area. Wheelchair users should then proceed to the wheelchair stationing area, which is created by flipping up one of the first sets of aisle-facing seats next to the door.
When traveling from downtown to a street level destination on the J, K, L, M or N lines you MUST board the first door of the first car of the train. Be sure to let the Operator know your destination in advance so that they can properly position the train at the accessible platform.
Boarding at San Jose and Geneva Ave.
On the M Line, the accessible stop at San Jose and Geneva avenues has a mechanical wayside lift that elevates customers to the level of the train floor for boarding and exiting. The lift is separated from the boarding island by a gate, and remains in the lowered position when not in use. To use the lift, go through the gate and wait for a train on the lift platform. Locate the control button (on your left when facing the train). When the LRV arrives, push and hold the “up” button to raise the lift. Press the button continuously or the lift will stop. If you are unable to press and hold the button, the train Operator can raise and lower the lift from inside the train. Note that the lift will not operate until the train stops next to the platform.
When traveling from downtown to a street level destination on the J, K, L, M or N lines you MUST board the first door of the first car of the train. Be sure to let the Operator know your destination in advance so that they can properly position the train at the accessible platform.
Our lifts can lift up to 600 pounds and can accommodate a mobility device measuring no more than 30 inches by 48 inches. If you are concerned about whether your mobility device can be accommodated, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services (415.701.4485; TTY 415.701.4730).
All underground station entrances are easily identified by sidewalk signage. They also have Braille station name signs, often on the right hand side of the stairwell. All subway stations are accessible by elevator, escalator or stairs and comprise of two levels, a concourse and a platform level. An accesisble fare gate is availible for use and is located immediatly adjacent to the station agent booth.
Yellow tactile tile is provided on the platfrom level to indicate the edge of the boarding platform; please stand behind the tactile tile at all times while on the boarding platfrom.
Stations are either center platform (tracks on either side) or side platform (two platforms with tracks in between).
Center Platform Locations
Side Platform Locations
Automated Announcements
In the underground stations (Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell, Civic Center, Van Ness, Church, Castro, Forest Hill and West Portal), a digital voice announcement system announces the route designation and arrival time of approaching and arriving trains. Announcements of upcoming stations are made inside the train.
Maps of the Metro system with Braille and raised characters are installed on the concourse and platforms levels of underground stations. Braille and Tactile Maps of certain Muni Metro lines are also available from the San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind; more information on this program can be found here.
Stair and Escalator Locations
Stairs and/or an escalator are located at each end of every downtown station. Inbound trains stop near the middle of the platform and outbound trains stop at the far end of the outbound platform.
Metro cars are equipped with a chime that sounds in each doorway to help guide people with visual disabilities to the door opening.
All light rail vehicles taper or narrow at each end, creating a larger vehicle-to-platform gap. When looking for a doorway, be sure to locate the floor of the train before stepping off the platform. Do not mistake the gap between the end of a car and the platform for the gap between the platform and the train doorway.
我們於 2021 年和 2022 年針對 Geary街改進工程優先事項向社區居民徵詢意見。 得益於數百名社區成員在兩輪宣傳中的建議,我們利用反饋意見制訂了詳細的工程設計,並將於 2023 年初提交 SFMTA 董事會批准。 參閱工程圖和詳細的街區方案 公共交通運輸安全改進提案的一覽圖 顯示新公車專用道改進提案的地圖。 下載 PDF 版本。 顯示公車停靠站改進提案的地圖。 下載 PDF 版本。...
2021年秋季我們向三藩市乘客徵詢意見,就2022年初新增更多Muni服務事宜,詢問乘客我們該優先考慮的事項。我們通過面見、電郵和電話收集數百項意見及4,500多份問卷回覆。我們憑藉這些反饋,制訂出一個專為殘疾人士和長者恢復連接路線服務的計劃。我們也聽到在客流量高的Muni路線增加班次以減輕擁擠情況和減少等候時間的訴求,所以我們在資源容許的情況下將進一步研究這些機會。 通過評估服務和與公眾合作...
Tenderloin, Japantown, The Richmond 2 Clement 、 3 Jackson 、 5R Fulton 快線 、 12 Folsom/Pacific 、 28R 19th Avenue 快線 、 38R Geary 快線 我們獲得的反饋 長者和殘障人士希望有距離較近的車站,特別是地勢陡的地區 長者依賴 Japantown 到猶太社區中心 (Jewish...
作爲 Geary街改進項目的一部分,三藩市交通局建議采取措施改進公交服務,地點是Geary街夾Park Presidio街進城出城方向的巴士站。 目前的巴士站只允許一輛巴士靠站,但是交通局的標準是提供足夠的空間讓兩部巴士同時進站。目前兩部巴士同時到達時,第二輛巴士要等乘客上完第一輛巴士離開后方可進站,這就造成了許多誤點情況。交通局提出兩個解決方案由公衆考慮,兩個方案均允許兩部巴士同時進站。...
謝謝所有參與 36 號 巴士行經 Myra Way 問卷調查的乘客和鄰居。巴士已經在這條路線上運行超過30年,不過為解決最近的問題,我們研究了幾種方案,以便提高巴士和附近居民的安全及可達性。 根據 問卷調查結果和收到的反饋意見,Myra Way 的服務仍會繼續,而且目前沒有移除停車位的計劃。 下一步包括: 提醒巴士司機不能向後倒退,除非有檢查員在場 與三藩市工務局協調處理樹木生長問題...
在固定後安排引導聽證會 當您返回停放的車輛時卻發現您的車輛已啟動時,我們理解您的沮喪。如果您認為您的車輛未正確啟動, 您有權在周一至週五上午 8 點至下午 5 點在 11 S. Van Ness Avenue (CSC) 的 SFMTA 客戶服務中心進行同一天的現場聽證會。致電 415-701-5400 與獨立行政聽證官安排電話或視頻聽證會,或聯繫 CSC 進行面對面安排...
三藩市交通局將利用這個網頁舉行綫上公聽會,時間是2月13日周一早9點到2月26日周日晚11點,目的是就以下建議收集公衆的反饋意見。 項目的背景及建議内容 該項目於2022年獲得批准永久性實行,除在Stockton和Grant街之間的Clay街臨時實施下午時間内公交專行車。經過評估證明在有公交專行車道情況下,巴士行車速度可以提高7%,即使交通流量增加...
從 2 月 21 日開始,1X 特快巴士試點項目將在平日高峰時段,提供往返列治文區與金融區的巴士服務。 市中心方向:早上有三班,分別是 8 點、8 點半和 9 點,1X 特快巴士將從 33 街夾 Geary 大道出發,在 Clement 與 California 街經停 1 號巴士的車站,直到 Arguello 街,之後特快巴士將直接前往 Davis 夾 Pine 街。 列治文區方向:下午有三班...
在 2022 年 12 月,三藩市交通局發表計劃草本,包括 45 項工程- $25 百萬元的交通改善計劃-跨越 Visitacion Valley, Portola, Little Hollywood 和 Sunnydale ,以應社區要求的要求,並加上改善行動、接進和居民生活質素的政策建議。我們然後請社區告訴我們應先建造哪些工程。 現在,訪谷和波多拉社區交通計劃的定稿,包括社區的施工優先。...
在2022年,1 號巴士臨時緊急公交專用道項目獲准成爲永久性項目,但 Clay 街夾 Stockton 與 Grant 街之間的路段除外,即下午時段公交專用道仍保持暫時有效。 根據社區反饋意見和廣泛評估,三藩市交通局不再尋求將 Clay 街夾 Stockton 和 Grant 街之間的下午時段交公交專用道永久化的提議。 這項針對疫情的臨時措施即將於今年 6 月到期並取消...
我們密切監督 COVID-19病毒的動向。請繼續察看此網頁,瞭解最新信息。 點擊我們的 COVID-19數據儀表板 ,查看我們的COVID-19數據,以及恢復計劃。 獲取最新消息: 有關旅行和運輸的最新信息,請訪問我們的 電郵和文本警報訂閱頁面 。您也可以在 推特 和 臉書 上關注我們,以獲取Muni和COVID-19的最新消息。
An accessible version of the Open House content is available in English.
The Board of Directors Search Committee for the Board Secretary was an ad hoc committee which met in 2020. The committee was chaired by Gwyneth Borden. Other members were: Cheryl Brinkman and Amanda Eaken.
The committee’s scope of work was as follows:
訪谷區和 Portola 是三藩市兩個獨具特色而且充滿活力的社區,應該擁有更好的交通服務和基礎設施。以訪谷區和 Portola 社區為基礎的交通計畫 CBTP 是由三藩市交通局領導,與第 9 區議員 Ronen、第 10 區議員 Walton 和強大的當地利益相關者合作,透過 [加州公路局可持續計劃] 撥款,資助的社區推動規劃和參與工作。 CBTP ( 以社區為基礎的交通規劃 )...
我們現正從提供人們可依賴的高質素的、可靠的服務,恢復乘客的流量。為使時間表更可靠和減少等候的時間以及擠擁,我們正努力安排反映駕駛人員的配備。意指我們只安排有駕駛人員可用的服務。 遺憾的是,我們無法如我們所希望的儘快增加服務,因為我們嚴重缺乏駕駛人員。我們想在我們能夠時,儘快增加公車的服務;但除了駕駛人員缺乏外,所有的收入來源亦告減少。當我們制定財政年度2023年和2024年的預算時...