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Project update

11月21日(星期二),M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 將由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審批

M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 預定於在 11月21日(星期二)會議上由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審議批準。 今年夏季,我們舉行了為期兩週的網上公聽會,討論最新提案,其中包括以下改善措施: 上車島和為公交加寬的邊道:擴大上車島或人行道以迎接列車車門,乘客可以更輕鬆地直接在路邊和列車之間步行。這一點尤其重要...

Project update

亞太經合會期間如何前往大通中心 (Chase Center) 和 Mission Bay


從 Balboa Park 到 Embarcadero 再到 Sunnydale 的 T 線 和 K 線 Muni 地鐵站,將由臨時 KT 線提供服務,停靠站包括 Embarcadero 沿線的Folsom 和 Brannan 站,以及 King 街 夾2 街和4 街車站 。 乘客應看列車前方的顯示頻,尋找 K線西行方向、T 線東行方向或 KT 線。 Muni 地鐵將關閉4街夾Brannan...


M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project - Virtual Public Hearing


2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)晚上11:59 上(詳情如下) 三藩市交通局將於2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)下午5:00透過本網站舉行虛擬公聽會。虛擬公聽會的目的是獲取有關M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View)走廊沿線街道和公交停靠站改變的公眾意見。 M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 ( M Ocean View...


M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project - Virtual Office Hours


三藩市交通局將於2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)下午5:00透過本網站舉行虛擬公聽會。虛擬公聽會的目的是獲取有關M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View)走廊沿線街道和公交停靠站改變的公眾意見。 M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 ( M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 提高M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View...


M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project - Office Hours


三藩市交通局將於2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)下午5:00透過本網站舉行虛擬公聽會。虛擬公聽會的目的是獲取有關M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View)走廊沿線街道和公交停靠站改變的公眾意見。 M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 ( M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 提高M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View...

Project update


第一個 日落區29號巴士改進項目將於2023年8月19日星期六開始生效。這些變更包括巴士站變更和啓用新夜班車總站。 截至2023年8月19日,日落區29號巴士站: 我們正在更改 25th Avenue、Lincoln Way、Sunset Boulevard 和 19th Avenue 的巴士站,以便縮短出行時間,這意味著您需要使用不同的車站或到街對面才能上車。 停用的車站 (8/19/23)...


乘坐 Muni 到中國城購物和吃喝玩樂

舊金山 (三藩市) 中國城 (華埠) 是亞洲以外最大的中國城,也是北美歷史最久的中國城。 當您走過標誌性的龍門時,您將進入熙熙攘攘的大街小巷,感受著豐富的中華文化和美食。 有大約10,000 名舊金山人住在中國城,還有數百家小商業在此營商。 當您漫步在這個社區時,您會彷彿回到過去,沉浸在該社區所擁有的豐富中華文化和歷史當中。 輕鬆搭車去中國城 T Third, California Cable...

Project update

在亞太經合會 APEC 期間往返舊金山華埠中國城


在亞太經合會 APEC 期間,往舊金山華埠有許多選擇,大多數 Muni路線將正常運作,有些需要改道,但仍有許多路線將繼續連接華埠與南部地區,例如 Caltrain 加州火車站和加州大學舊金山分校/Mission Bay。 許多 Muni 路線也會提供 SoMa 地區的服務,Moscone 會展中心附近的居民也可以搭乘這些公車,前往北邊華埠中國城方向,向南也可以去到 Caltrain 加州火車站...

Project update



為了抵消特殊活動對停車的影響,舊金山交通局(SFMTA)在以下地點提供免費停車,暫停鄰近街道的清掃工作,並提供免費乘坐Muni。 Broadway 街以北的 Battery 與 Sansome 街走廊 地點 : 禁止停車 - 拖車區域在 Broadway 以北的 Battery 街和 Sansome 街走廊,以及一些相鄰的小街。 在你停車100英尺範圍内檢查是否有張貼禁止停車-拖車區域的標示牌。...

Project update

Final Project Proposals Up for Approval at SFMTA Board

M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 預定於在2月6日(星期二)會議上由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審議批準。M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 預定於在2月6日(星期二)會議上由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審議批準。...


K Ingleside Rapid Project – 網上公開聆訊


網上(詳情如下) 三藩市交通局將於2024年1月8日(星期一)上午9:00至2024年1月19日(星期五)上午11:59 透過本網站舉行網上公開聆訊。網上公開聆訊的目的是獲取有關海洋大道(Ocean Ave)走廊沿線街道和公交停靠站改變的公眾意見。 輕軌K線(K Ingleside)快線專案旨在改善海洋大道輕軌K線沿線的交通可靠性,縮短出行時間,提高載客量並改善交通安全。本專案建立在...


K Ingleside Rapid Project - 網上辦公時間


網上(詳情如下) 對輕軌K線快線專案(K Ingleside Rapid Project)的建議改進感興趣嗎? 1. 在我們的網上 StoryMap中查看輕軌K線快線專案的最新提案。 2. 有疑問或回饋意見嗎? 請加入我們的辦公時間活動,在那裡您可以與員工討論專案提案並分享您的反饋。 Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 277 269 049...


K Ingleside Rapid Project - Ingleside圖書館分館辦公時間


對輕軌K線快線專案(K Ingleside Rapid Project)的建議改進感興趣嗎? 1. 在我們的網上 StoryMap中查看輕軌K線快線專案的最新提案。 2. 有疑問或回饋意見嗎? 請加入我們的辦公時間活動,在那裡您可以與員工討論專案提案並分享您的反饋。 Ingleside圖書館分館辦公時間 在網上公開聆訊期間分享意見的其他方式: 透過電子郵件: RapidKProject@SFMTA...

Blog post

Valencia Bikeway Improvements Coming Soon

6 years 2 months ago

Bikes on Valencia

Valencia Street is one of San Francisco's highest utilized bike routes with 2100 cyclists riding along it on an average weekday. With parts of Valencia on the city’s High-Injury Network, we had a series of workshops in July to address safety and improve infrastructure along this corridor.

Since the workshops, the project team received a lot of insightful feedback regarding the bikeway design alternatives and the near-term curb management (i.e., parking and loading) improvements from the community. This blog post provides a glimpse of what’s to come for the project over the next few months.

Bikeway Update: Market to 15th streets

Per the directives and partnership of Mayor London Breed, parking-protected bike lanes will be piloted on Valencia from Market to 15th streets in early 2019. In tandem with the bikeway upgrade, curb management changes will also be implemented on this stretch of the corridor. The project team will be conducting door-to-door outreach with merchants and following-up with stakeholders in the upcoming weeks. At this time, the parking-protected bikeway pilot is anticipated to be heard at the SFMTA Board of Directors meeting on December 4, 2018. Following that, city crews would begin constructing the parking-protected bike lanes, using temporary, low-cost materials as much as possible. Following the implementation, the project team will evaluate the design to help inform the longer-term, corridor-wide project. Additional outreach and community conversations will be held in spring and summer 2019 to determine a preferred bikeway design alternative(s) for the entire corridor.

Bikes on Valencia

Curb Management Update: 15th to 24th streets

In the upcoming weeks, the project team will also be conducting another round of merchant door-to-door outreach to get feedback on impacts of potential color curb changes on Valencia Street from 15th to 24th streets. Most curb management improvements in this portion of Valencia include consolidating loading (passenger and commercial) zones and implementing more passenger loading zones that will be in effect past 6 p.m. The project team plans to share these proposals with the community later this fall. Please be on the lookout for another update in a few weeks detailing the next community event.

Thanks for your interest and involvement in the Valencia Bikeway Improvements project. To stay in the loop about the project and upcoming events, please sign up for project updates.


San Francisco Trolley Dances


SFMTA is proud to sponsor the 16th anniversary of the San Francisco Trolley Dances. And our Muni train cars will get you a front seat for the performances!

This two-day, free (with Muni fare) public performance curated by Epiphany Dance Theater artistic director Kim Epifano. This year’s route travels along the J-Church Muni line, from Mid-Market/Tenderloin to Noe Valley. Participating artists include Lily Cai Chinese Dance Company, Micaya's Soulforce Dance Company, Gerald Casel, Guillermo Galindo, Gregory Dawson's dawsondancesf, Evie Ladin's MoTor/dance, Juliano Wade, and Kim Epifano's Epiphany Dance Theater.

Welcome Registration Booth + Tour Starting Point:

International Art Museum of America, 1023 Market St.

Trolley Dances times are:

11 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:15 p.m., 2 p.m., 2:45 p.m.

Each tour runs approximately two hours

Make your plans to go and get tips on how to get the most of the SF Trolley Dance fun at

Blog post

Polk Streetscape Project Near Completion

6 years 3 months ago

Men working on Polk Street.

The Polk Streetscape Project is near completion! As we work with San Francisco Public Works to finalize everything, here’s what you need to know about the new bike lanes, streetscape amenities, parking and loading as crews put the finishing touches on this two-year construction project.

What’s Next?

Polk Street, north of Jackson Street has been paved and striped. Over the next month, crews will be paving Polk Street from Bush to McAllister streets, with final roadway striping happening in November and December. Parking and loading changes will occur with the new striping, including the removal of all parking on the east side of Polk Street between Pine and McAllister streets and some removal of general metered parking on the west side of Polk Street with improved commercial and passenger loading spaces to better accommodate the area’s demand.

Since August 2012, the SFMTA worked with the community on a two-year comprehensive outreach process to better understand needs and concerns from residents, merchants and community groups. This outreach included:

  • More than 50 focused meetings with community groups and stakeholders
  • Five widely-advertised and well-attended public meetings
  • Six walking tours with SFMTA staff

The final project combines the ideas from the community with a clear understanding of where and why collisions are happening on Polk and the improvements needed to prevent them. This project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors in March 2015 and project construction began in fall 2016.

This project will also unveil a new bikeway design for the corridor. At the intersections of Geary, Ellis, Eddy and Turk, in the southbound direction, the bike lane will be signal separated from southbound vehicles right turns to improve safety for users. On the west side, parking and loading changes are being implemented to meet the specific needs of the neighboring businesses as determined in the SFMTA’s extensive outreach process. Parking on the east side will be removed between McAllister and Pine streets to accommodate a new bike lane adjacent to the curb and separated from traffic.

The project also includes a suite of pedestrian and transit improvements including bulb-outs and pedestrian lighting as well as new sidewalk trees. With the project, Fern and Austin alleys will also be receiving upgrades, with pedestrian enhancements including raised crosswalks, improved lighting and trees, and space for residents, shoppers and people passing by to enjoy.

The final illustrative plan for Polk Street is available here. The project is anticipated to be completed in December 2018. For updates, visit the San Francisco Public Works webpage.



開鎖費 收入位於聯邦貧窮線 200% 或以下的人士有資格獲取開鎖和拖車行政費折扣。 費用分類 金額 標準費用 $495 低收入費用 $75 遇到無家可歸者的一次性靴子移除費用 $0 低收入開鎖費須親臨 SFMTA 客戶服務中心 繳付,地址 : 11 South Van Ness Avenue (臨近市集街)。 收入標準 年收入位於聯邦貧窮線 200% 或以下的登記車主...



導言 (Project Introduction)

東南部Muni的擴展包括新的Muni公交車路線、路綫延長和路綫變更,以及在舊金山東南部社區 - Bayview-Hunters Point和Visitacion Valley的現有Muni公交車路线上更加頻繁的運行服务。 以下的 Muni巴士服務改善項目將由 Candlestick Point-Hunters Point Shipyard發展計劃資助。由於發展計劃有一定數量的資金...

Blog post

This Weekend: Trolley Dances, Potrero Hill Festival and Wharf Fest

6 years 3 months ago

San Francisco Trolley Dances
Photo courtesy of Epiphany Dance photographer Andy Mogg.

San Francisco Trolley Dances

Saturday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
4th & Channel Streets at Mission Creek Park

San Francisco Trolley Dances, now in its 15th anniversary season, is a two-day, free (with Muni fare) public performance curated by the Epiphany Dance Theater. Artists and dance ensembles are paired with specific sites along San Francisco’s Muni route, where they are invited to create an 8- to 15-minute dance piece in response to the physical environment, architecture and history of the area. This year’s route takes you from Mission Bay to SoMa. This admission-free festival has been dubbed “Art for citizens” and “A gift to the City” by past attendees, and a record of 5,000 people have joined us for a weekend of art and community. Line up for wristbands begins at 10 am. Show up early as they often have given out all of the wristbands hours in advance. Wristbands are given out on a first come, first serve basis.

How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take N Judah or the KT Ingleside.

Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event, however, routes in the area may see minor delays or increased ridership near Mission Bay.

Potrero Hill Festival

Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Potrero Hill

The Potrero Hill neighborhood will be hosting its 28th annual eponymous festival this Saturday on 20th Street between Missouri and Wisconsin streets. The Potrero Hill Festival celebrates the community with live music, food, drink and wares from local vendors, local historians, games and much more. There is something for the whole family to enjoy this weekend, so don't miss the opportunity to check out this iconic part of San Francisco.

How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take the 10 Townsend, 19 Polk or 22 Fillmore to near the event.

Muni Service Notes: The 10 will have a reroute for this event. The 19 and 22 may see minor delays or increased ridership in the area of the event.

Wharf Fest

Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fisherman's Wharf

Returning to Fisherman's Wharf for the sixth consecutive year, Wharf Fest showcases the historic wharf after the crowds of visitors have dissipated with a street fair atmosphere featuring over 50 booths of vendors, free activities, food and drink. The highlight of the event is surely the Clam Chowder Competition and Tastings, as Fisherman's Wharf restaurants battle it out to see whose clam chowder reigns supreme. Wharf Fest is a free event open to the public, however, tickets are required for the Clam Chowder Competition.

How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take the E Embarcadero or F Market and Wharves streetcar lines, as well as the 8 Bayshore, 19 Polk, 28 19th Avenue, 30 Stockton, 39 Coit, 47 Van Ness or the 49 Van Ness/Mission routes to near the event.

Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event, however, routes in the area may see minor delays or increased ridership near the Wharf.

Remember that you can Muni the entire day for a single $5 fare. The new $5 Day Pass, available on MuniMobile®, is part of Muni’s recent fare changes. The pass is intended to encourage a safe, convenient way to pay your fare and quickly board Muni vehicles, which reduces overall travel time for everyone. The $5 Day Pass is Muni bus, rail and historic streetcars only. 

“On Tap” gives you a heads up about the big events in town and what Muni routes and lines will get you to the party. Look for this feature to be posted usually on Thursdays for a look ahead to the weekend. Check out our Weekend Traffic & Transit Advisory for more details.

Project update



野火和結構火災的煙霧會影響健康: 眼睛和咽喉刺激,咳嗽和呼吸困難 。 自救 民眾可以透過以下方式進行自我防護: 如果您可以看到、聞到或感覺到煙霧,應當立即減少室外活動。對於身體有恙(例如患有心臟病或哮喘等呼吸系統疾病的民眾)、年長人士、孕婦或兒童而言,這一點尤其重要。 如果出現以下癥狀,請與您的保健醫生或機構聯絡: 持續咳嗽 呼吸急促或呼吸困難 氣喘 胸悶或胸部疼痛 心悸 噁心或異常疲勞 頭暈...

Reports and documents


Thursday, 18 March, 2021

感謝您抽出寶貴時間參加這項調查,來幫助改善安巴卡德洛濱海大道的安全性! 請將完成的問卷調查用電子郵件寄給計劃團隊: 或是 郵寄到: SFMTA | Livable Streets c/o Page Street Bikeway Improvements Project 1 S Van Ness Ave, 7th Floor San Francisco...



2021 年 3 月 27 日周六,從早 10 點到中午 12 點,三藩市交通委員會將舉辦關於第四選區移動研究的線上公開日活動。 交通委員會將與公眾分享如何在外日落區和 Parkside 區一帶改善步行,騎車和公交的一些新的設想,其中包括家庭鄰居道路網絡,改進商業街區,社區穿梭巴士,林肯大道改進項目,改進公交系統等等。他們將邀請你們就這些設想發表意見。他們還將分享一些分析數據和就 Great...