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Project update

Final Project Proposals Up for Approval at SFMTA Board

M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 預定於在2月6日(星期二)會議上由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審議批準。M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 預定於在2月6日(星期二)會議上由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審議批準。...

Project update

這是有關舊金山交通局 SFMTA 就制定兩年預算,包括潛在的票價和服務變更,收集公衆意見的通知。

我們希望聽到您的意見 舊金山交通局將舉行社區會議,討論未來兩年預算,包括潛在的票價、費用、罰款和服務變更。 如需瞭解更多資訊、會議詳情以及免費語言協助,可以瀏覽,致電 415.646.2299 或電郵至 會議日期 Zoom 視訊會議將於 2月 22 日 星期四下午 5:00 至晚上 7:00 舉行。 親臨現場的會議將於 3 月...

Project update


第一個 日落區29號巴士改進項目將於2023年8月19日星期六開始生效。這些變更包括巴士站變更和啓用新夜班車總站。 截至2023年8月19日,日落區29號巴士站: 我們正在更改 25th Avenue、Lincoln Way、Sunset Boulevard 和 19th Avenue 的巴士站,以便縮短出行時間,這意味著您需要使用不同的車站或到街對面才能上車。 停用的車站 (8/19/23)...

Project update

在亞太經合會 APEC 期間往返舊金山華埠中國城


在亞太經合會 APEC 期間,往舊金山華埠有許多選擇,大多數 Muni路線將正常運作,有些需要改道,但仍有許多路線將繼續連接華埠與南部地區,例如 Caltrain 加州火車站和加州大學舊金山分校/Mission Bay。 許多 Muni 路線也會提供 SoMa 地區的服務,Moscone 會展中心附近的居民也可以搭乘這些公車,前往北邊華埠中國城方向,向南也可以去到 Caltrain 加州火車站...

Project update



為了抵消特殊活動對停車的影響,舊金山交通局(SFMTA)在以下地點提供免費停車,暫停鄰近街道的清掃工作,並提供免費乘坐Muni。 Broadway 街以北的 Battery 與 Sansome 街走廊 地點 : 禁止停車 - 拖車區域在 Broadway 以北的 Battery 街和 Sansome 街走廊,以及一些相鄰的小街。 在你停車100英尺範圍内檢查是否有張貼禁止停車-拖車區域的標示牌。...

Project update

11月21日(星期二),M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 將由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審批

M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 預定於在 11月21日(星期二)會議上由三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會審議批準。 今年夏季,我們舉行了為期兩週的網上公聽會,討論最新提案,其中包括以下改善措施: 上車島和為公交加寬的邊道:擴大上車島或人行道以迎接列車車門,乘客可以更輕鬆地直接在路邊和列車之間步行。這一點尤其重要...

Project update

亞太經合會期間如何前往大通中心 (Chase Center) 和 Mission Bay


從 Balboa Park 到 Embarcadero 再到 Sunnydale 的 T 線 和 K 線 Muni 地鐵站,將由臨時 KT 線提供服務,停靠站包括 Embarcadero 沿線的Folsom 和 Brannan 站,以及 King 街 夾2 街和4 街車站 。 乘客應看列車前方的顯示頻,尋找 K線西行方向、T 線東行方向或 KT 線。 Muni 地鐵將關閉4街夾Brannan...


M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project - Virtual Public Hearing


2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)晚上11:59 上(詳情如下) 三藩市交通局將於2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)下午5:00透過本網站舉行虛擬公聽會。虛擬公聽會的目的是獲取有關M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View)走廊沿線街道和公交停靠站改變的公眾意見。 M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 ( M Ocean View...


M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project - Virtual Office Hours


三藩市交通局將於2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)下午5:00透過本網站舉行虛擬公聽會。虛擬公聽會的目的是獲取有關M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View)走廊沿線街道和公交停靠站改變的公眾意見。 M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 ( M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 提高M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View...


M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project - Office Hours


三藩市交通局將於2023年8月25日(星期五)上午9:00至2023年9月8日(星期五)下午5:00透過本網站舉行虛擬公聽會。虛擬公聽會的目的是獲取有關M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View)走廊沿線街道和公交停靠站改變的公眾意見。 M線洋景輕軌公交與安全專案 ( M Ocean View Transit and Safety Project) 提高M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View...


Waivers for people experiencing homelessness or low-income and reduction for first time tow

Experiencing homelessness in San Francisco?

Eligible vehicle owners experiencing homelessness who have visited a Coordinated Entry Point in the past 6 months will receive a one-time

  • Administrative fee waiver
  • Tow fee waiver
  • Up to 30 days storage waiver
  • Dolly waiver

Limit one per vehicle owner

Flyer: Steps on how to become eligible

List: Coordinated Entry Points

Low-income in San Francisco?  

Eligible low-income vehicle owners will receive

  • Administrative fee waiver
  • Reduction of the tow fee
  • Up to 15 days storage waiver
  • Dolly waiver
First-time tow in San Francisco?

Individuals whose vehicle has never been previously towed by the SFMTA or SFPD will receive

  • Reduction of the administrative fee

Reduced fee schedule

Administrative fee

Administrative fee (one for all vehicles) Fee to be paid
All tows $360
First-time tow $304
Low-income or experiencing homelessness $0

Tow fee

Tow fee (one for all vehicles) Fee to be paid
People experiencing homelessness $0
Low-income $104
All others $297

How to Qualify

Present one of the following:

  • California State Medi-Cal
  • Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
  • SFMTA Lifeline card
  • WIC benefits,
  • Fully completed Income Verification form to be submitted with the form below

You may be required to submit the most current award letter.  NO tax documentation will be accepted.

Reductions May Be Applied When Paying Your Tow Fees

No reductions are available without proof of eligibility. Persons unable to prove eligibility must pay the non-reduced fees.

Qualified individual registered owners who submit proof of eligibility when paying the tow fees will automatically receive the reduction.

Request Reimbursement of Certain Tow Fees 

Individual owners who pay the non-reduced fees may request reimbursement if eligibility can be proven within 30 days of the vehicle being claimed.

Reductions are itemized on the SFMTA receipt.  Check your SFMTA receipt to verify whether you received waivers or reductions.

If you paid the full or higher administrative fee to the SFMTA and feel you qualify for certain low-income waivers or a first-time tow reduction, fill out the form below to request reimbursement as applicable to your case. You will be required to upload your receipt and proof of eligibility.

After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email and further details from


  • All requests for reimbursement must be received within 30 days from the date of tow or 30 days from the date of paying the non-reduced fees 
  • The owner (or renter) of the towed vehicle must be an individual
  • Nonowners are not eligible for low-income waivers
  • For rented or leased vehicles, the rental or lease agreement must be from a bonafide car rental company and identify the renter or lessee as the vehicle's driver
  • All businesses, including partnerships, trusts, for-profit corporations, and nonprofit corporations are excluded
  • First-time tow individuals will be required to provide DMV registration showing the first date of ownership of their vehicle
  • The SFMTA tows vehicles in San Francisco only; vehicles towed in other jurisdictions are not eligible for reductions or reimbursement
  • You must provide a USA mailing address to receive reimbursement

Please complete this form to apply for a reimbursement

Vehicle tow program phone: 415.646.2200 email:



對停車或交通違規罰單的抗辯必須在罰單開出之日或首次處罰通知之日後 21 天內作出。在此期限後作出的抗辯將不獲考慮。如欲對罰單作出抗辯,請勿繳付罰金。 如何抗辯 在線提交抗議 。 您將可上載照片、收據或任何其他有利於您的抗辯的證據。 您還可以在線查看抗議的狀態。 您也可以通過郵寄方式提出抗辯。 填寫 抗辯表格 並郵寄至: SFMTA Customer Service Center ATTN...


Geary 街交通改善工程提案

導言 (Project Introduction)

三藩市交通局 (SFMTA) 一直致力於改善 Geary 交通幹道沿線的交通和安全。 第一階段的工作稱為 Geary街快速公交(Geary Rapid) 工程,於 2021 年完成,交通和安全得到了顯著改善,其中公車運行時間縮短 18%,交通可靠性提高 37%,私家車超速行駛情況减少 81%。Geary 街 改善工程是 Geary 街改善的第二階段工程,擬優化 34 大道 與 Stanyan 街...



開鎖費: $505 如果您的車被鎖輪,從輪鎖安裝之時起,您有 72 小時的時間(週末及假日除外)支付積欠罰單和逾期金,以避免您的車被拖走。 被鎖或被拖的車不可用社區服務代替罰單付款和逾期金,亦不可分期付款。 低收入開鎖費: $75 低收入開鎖費須親臨 SFMTA 客戶服務中心 繳付,地址 : 11 South Van Ness Avenue (臨近市集街)。 更多關於收入標準的資訊可在...


Budget for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020: Balancing Transportation Needs of a Growing City

導言 (Project Introduction)

三藩市交通局(San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency)於1999年得到選民的見議,該機構會負責管理城市的地面交通系統,這包括Muni,泊車和 路面交通,自行車,步行和出租車的交通。每天 有超過100萬人是靠著我們來確保整個城市的安全和可靠的交通流動性。 我們所做的事情, 都是以市民做核心,我們在制定2019年和2020年營運和資本預算時...



支付停車票或中轉引證 查找引用信息並在互聯網上付款否則您將收取滯納金和收款費用. 如果您收到停車或中轉引證,您必須在截止日期前支付或抗議引文. 有五個或更多停車引用的車輛將會啟動或拖曳. 如果你想抗議,不要支付引用。 社區服務計劃 為客戶提供執行社區服務的選擇,以代替停車票和過境引證付款。客戶必須支付26美元至77美元的註冊費取決於登記的引用總金額. 如果您的車輛已經啟動或拖曳,這不是一個選項。...



居住在三藩市的低收入及中等收入年長者,使用Clipper卡可享有免費乘坐Muni的福利。 擁有免費的Muni Clipper卡後,您可以將其轉移到 Clipper App上的手機中。 所有年滿65歲的三藩市年長者,如果其家庭年度總收入等於或低於灣區中位收入水平的百分之百(如下表所列),均符合本計劃的條件。 房子大小 家庭年收入 1 $104,900 2 $119,900 3 $134,850 4...

Reports and documents

Short-Term RPP Permit Application - 短期RPP許可證申請

Wednesday, 28 February, 2018

短期許可證信息 RPP地區的居民可獲得臨時許可,可短期租用汽車或訪客。 許可證類型 一天 每筆訂單金額 成本 1-5 每個日曆年的許可證 $7.00 每個許可證 6-15 每個日曆年的許可證 $9.00 每個許可證 16-20 每個日曆年的許可證 $15.00 每個許可證 Weekly 週數 成本 兩(2) $61 四(4) $87 六(6) $111 八(8) $144 2週增量許可證...


為殘疾人士免費提供Muni (Free Muni for People with Disabilities)

位於 11 South Van Ness 的 SFMTA 客戶服務辦公室在以下時間接受 RTC 折扣 ID 卡的新申請:週一至週五上午 8:00 - 5:00 PM。 請攜帶填寫完整的申請表來訪。 您可以在線申請更新或申請更換 RTC 折扣 ID 卡。 僅舊金山居民可免除與在線更新或更換卡相關的所有費用。 您還可以下載並郵寄續卡或遺失卡紙質申請表以接收新卡。 如果您通過郵件提交申請...


Access on Muni Metro

Metro Access

The Muni Metro light rail system features six lines: the J Church, K Ingleside, L Taraval, M Ocean View, N Judah and the T Third. These lines serve downtown and neighborhoods in the western and southeastern parts of San Francisco. Below is more detailed information on the accessible features in our Metro system, how to board in the subway, how to board on the surface, and some additional tips for using the Metro.

Step-by-step instructions

Accessible Features

Interior of Muni coach showing blue colored priority seats near the front of the bus, seats are in a row at the left side of the image and have decals on them indicating their use.

Priority Seating

Priority seating for seniors and customers with disabilities is located immediately behind the train Operator’s compartment at both ends of the car. The priority seating includes the first rows of aisle-facing seats, which flip up to accommodate a wheelchair, and the first rows of forward-facing seats.

Please Note:

On crowded trains, the priority seats may already be occupied by seniors and people with disabilities or by other customers. Upon request, operators can ask passengers to give up their seats, but cannot force them to do so.

Vehicle Number Plate

Vehicle Identification Number Plate

All vehicles have a vehicle identification number plate at each end that includes four digits plus the letter A or B to denote the end of the vehicle. The signs are located approximately 60" from the floor on the flat panel behind the Operator’s compartment and include raised characters and braille. Customers must provide the vehicle number in order to report problems with equipment or service.

Push Button Intercoms

Vehicles are equipped with push button-activated intercoms, to be used in case of emergency, which allow customers to communicate with the train Operator. The intercoms are located next to the door behind the Operator’s compartment at each end of the car.

interior view of LRV entry door with stairs in up position 

Image result for Muni metro stairs

Stairs Can Be Raised or Lowered

The stairwells on all of our LRVs can be raised or lowered. For street level stops on the surface, these steps are kept in the lowered position. For stops at high level platforms the stairs are raised. A bell sounds when the steps are lowering to warn passengers to move away from the doors. At high level platforms, step extensions, which deploy automatically when the doors are opened, are used to reduce the gap between the LRV floor and the station platform.

Passenger in a Wheelchair Accessible Area | March 11, 2013

Dedicated Area for Mobility Devices

Each LRV is equipped with four flip-up seating areas near the front and rear of the train car.  These seats can be flipped up to accommodate most mobility devices.  If you are concerned about whether your mobility device can be accommodated, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services (415.646.2260).


Muni may be able to accommodate a Segway, when used as a mobility device. You will need a Permit. For more information on Segway accommodations, please call or contact Matthew West (415) 646-2753, or



Customer and his leashed dog riding Muni

Service Animals

Service Animals are allowed on the Muni Metro. Service animals must be leashed and under the control of their owner at all times.

More Information:

In the Subway

Blind Passenger waits to board an LRV at the Underground Muni Metro Castro Station


The Muni Metro stations from West Portal to The Embarcadero are underground. The downtown subway stations (between Civic Center and The Embarcadero) are shared by Muni and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). These stations are multi-level, with a concourse level, a Muni boarding platform at mid-level and a BART platform at the lowest level. Downtown stations are identified by distinctive print signs and braille signs.

Passenger using an elevator at a Muni Metro Station


All underground stations are accessible by elevator. The street level elevators at each station are located on the north side of Market Street near a station entrance and are marked by a sign. The street elevator will take you to the concourse level, where signs are posted to direct you to the platform elevator. At the concourse level of the shared downtown stations, Muni and BART have separate and distinct station agent booths and faregate arrays. A shared elevator provides access from the concourse to both the Muni and BART platform levels. For information on elevator status, please call the San Francisco Customer Service Center at 311 (415.701.2311 outside of San Francisco). You may also contact BART’s elevator information line at 510.834.LIFT (510.834.5438) or 888.235.3828. Elevator alerts can be texted to your phone by signing up for "Watch Route Alerts" and choosing to receive alerts for either the J, K, L, M, N or T Lines (text message rates apply).

More Information:

 view of Clipper Card payment machine on LRV

 Image result for Muni metro fare

Paying Your Fare

You must pay your fare prior to boarding the elevator to the platform. Passengers are encouraged to pay with a Clipper Card by tagging the card at the Clipper reader near the elevator to the platform. Passengers who are eligible to pay a discounted fare but do not have a Clipper Card or transfer must purchase a ticket from a ticket vending machine near the station agent booth. The ticket must be tagged at the Clipper reader on the concourse level near the elevator in order to serve as valid proof of payment.

More Information:

Overhead Digital Signs

On the Station Platform

Once on the Muni platform of a shared station, signs will direct you to the inbound or outbound side. Look for the red “boarding area” signs on the trackside walls (opposite the platform waiting area) that indicate where to wait for a train.  On the platform, overhead digital signs display the line name and destination of the train that is boarding as well as the next train pulling into the station. A recorded voice also announces the predicted arrival time of the next three trains in the subway. Metro maps are installed on the trackside walls and tactile maps of the entire Muni system are located on the subway platforms at the inbound and outbound boarding areas.

On the Street

Muni passenger, Bruce Oka, using the accessible areas on Muni | September 25, 2012

Access for Mobility Devices

Accessible stops for wheelchairs and other mobility devices are located at regular intervals and at major destinations such as schools and hospitals. Accessible surface stops are generally low-level island stops with a ramp up to a small high-level platform for those who need level boarding.

On the T Line all surface stops are wheelchair accessible, with high platforms that provide level boarding at all doors. There are ramps at one or both ends of these platforms. On the M Line, the platforms at Stonestown and San Francisco State are also high-level platforms. 

More Information:

Muni passenger, Bruce Oka, waits for a train on a Muni platform | September 25, 2012

Boarding from an Accessible Island Stop

To board from an accessible island stop, wait for your train on the high platform. When the train arrives, the Operator will raise the interior stairs and position the vehicle so that you can board at the first door. Let the Operator know your destination stop as soon as you board and whether you need help with the jump seats at a stationing area. Wheelchair users should then proceed to the wheelchair stationing area, which is created by flipping up one of the first sets of aisle-facing seats next to the door.


When traveling from downtown to a street level destination on the J, K, L, M or N lines you MUST board the first door of the first car of the train. Be sure to let the Operator know your destination in advance so that they can properly position the train at the accessible platform.

Boarding at San Jose and Geneva Ave.

On the M Line, the accessible stop at San Jose and Geneva avenues has a mechanical wayside lift that elevates customers to the level of the train floor for boarding and exiting. The lift is separated from the boarding island by a gate, and remains in the lowered position when not in use. To use the lift, go through the gate and wait for a train on the lift platform. Locate the control button (on your left when facing the train). When the LRV arrives, push and hold the “up” button to raise the lift. Press the button continuously or the lift will stop. If you are unable to press and hold the button, the train Operator can raise and lower the lift from inside the train. Note that the lift will not operate until the train stops next to the platform.


When traveling from downtown to a street level destination on the J, K, L, M or N lines you MUST board the first door of the first car of the train. Be sure to let the Operator know your destination in advance so that they can properly position the train at the accessible platform.


Our lifts can lift up to 600 pounds. The securement area is limited by dimension.  If you are concerned about whether your mobility device can be accommodated, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services (415.646.2260).

Additional Tips for Using the Metro

view of platform with people and trains at Embarcadero Station

Underground Stations

All underground station entrances are easily identified by sidewalk signage.  They also have Braille station name signs, often on the right-hand side of the stairwell.  All subway stations are accessible by elevator, escalator or stairs and comprise of two levels, a concourse and a platform level.  An accessible fare gate is available for use and is located immediately adjacent to the station agent booth.

Yellow tactile tile is provided on the platform level to indicate the edge of the boarding platform; please stand behind the tactile tile at all times while on the boarding platform. 

Stations are either center platform (tracks on either side) or side platform (two platforms with tracks in between).

Center Platform Locations

  • Embarcadero
  • Montgomery
  • Powell
  • Civic Center
  • Van Ness

Side Platform Locations

  • Church
  • Castro
  • Forest Hill
  • West Portal

Automated Announcements

In the underground stations (Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell, Civic Center, Van Ness, Church, Castro, Forest Hill and West Portal), a digital voice announcement system announces the route designation and arrival time of approaching and arriving trains. Announcements of upcoming stations are made inside the train.

passenger using a tactile map

Tactile Maps

Maps of the Metro system with Braille and raised characters are installed on the concourse and platforms levels of underground stations.  Braille and Tactile Maps of certain Muni Metro lines are also available from the San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind; more information on this program can be found here.

view of Van Ness Station escalator and platform with people and train

Stair and Escalator Locations

Stairs and/or an escalator are located at each end of every downtown station. Inbound trains stop near the middle of the platform and outbound trains stop at the far end of the outbound platform.

Muni passenger, Bruce Oka, using the accessible areas on Muni | September 25, 2012

Boarding and Exiting a Train

Metro cars are equipped with a chime that sounds in each doorway to help guide people with visual disabilities to the door opening. 


All light rail vehicles taper or narrow at each end, creating a larger vehicle-to-platform gap. When looking for a doorway, be sure to locate the floor of the train before stepping off the platform. Do not mistake the gap between the end of a car and the platform for the gap between the platform and the train doorway.


MuniSafe: 安全,保障和良好行為

安全是三藩市交通局首要任務,Muni 每天為數千人提供服務,保持安全很重要,并且用友好和尊重的態度對待乘客。 各種基於性別和種族的騷擾、攻擊和性暴力,在三藩市交通局工作網路中都嚴格禁止,包括在車輛上、車站以及設施内。威脅、傷害或騷擾乘客以及三藩市交通局員工都屬非法,不會被容忍。 在該頁面: 良好行為准則 報告 Muni 的罪案 結束騷擾 其他規則及規例 避免在Muni被盜 深夜車站 安全使用...

Parking garage

Pierce Street Garage

3252 Pierce Street San Francisco, CA 94123

Pay by license plate Always Open