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Программа всеобщей доступности и безопасности парка «Голден-Гейт»

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Программа доступа и безопасности в парке Золотые ворота (Golden Gate Park, GGP) является результатом сотрудничества Агентства городского транспорта в Сан - Франциско (San Francisco Municipal...


San Francisco Trolley Dances


SFMTA is proud to sponsor the 16th anniversary of the San Francisco Trolley Dances. And our Muni train cars will get you a front seat for the performances!

This two-day, free (with Muni fare) public performance curated by Epiphany Dance Theater artistic director Kim Epifano. This year’s route travels along the J-Church Muni line, from Mid-Market/Tenderloin to Noe Valley. Participating artists include Lily Cai Chinese Dance Company, Micaya's Soulforce Dance Company, Gerald Casel, Guillermo Galindo, Gregory Dawson's dawsondancesf, Evie Ladin's MoTor/dance, Juliano Wade, and Kim Epifano's Epiphany Dance Theater.

Welcome Registration Booth + Tour Starting Point:

International Art Museum of America, 1023 Market St.

Trolley Dances times are:

11 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:15 p.m., 2 p.m., 2:45 p.m.

Each tour runs approximately two hours

Make your plans to go and get tips on how to get the most of the SF Trolley Dance fun at



Благодаря нескольким способам оплаты купить билеты на автобус, поезд или канатную дорогу Muni очень просто. MuniMobile®: официальная прикладная программа Управления общественного транспорта г. Сан...



Ознакомьтесь с необходимыми сведениями о тарифах, условиях получения льготного билета и возможных местах приобретения месячных и разовых билетов со скидкой для пожилых людей, инвалидов и лиц имеющих...


Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee shall be the central City-sponsored community advisory board charged with providing input to the MTA,  the Department of Public Works, and the Police Department ("Other City Departments") and decision-makers regarding allocation of monies in the Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund (the "Fund"), established in Administrative Code Section 10.100-364, for Required Uses, as defined in that section. The Advisory Committee shall be advisory, as appropriate, to the MTA and the Board of Supervisors.  The Advisory Committee shall perform the following functions as needed:

a.). Collaborate with the MTA, Other City Departments, and the Ballpark/Mission Transportation Coordinating Committee on prioritizing the community improvement measures for Required Uses and identifying implementation details as part of the annual budget process;

b.) Recommend to the MTA uses of the Designated Overlapping event Reserve, as defined in Administrative Code Section 10.100-364;

c.) Collaborate with the MTA and Other City Departments and decision-makers, including the Ballpark/Mission Bay Transportation Coordinating Committee, in the monitoring of the uses of the Fund for the purpose specified in Administrative Code Section 10.100-364; and

d.) Review  travel time data collected by the MTA for routes to he Event Center to determine if traffic conditions associated with the Event Center, especially when there are weekday evening overlapping events with large attendance at the Event Center and AT&T Park, should entail additional City actions and expenditures from the Fund or the Designated Overlapping Event Reserve, and make recommendations to the MTA on additional actions and expenditures.


    38 Geary Temporary Emergency Transit Lanes

    Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

    Уточнение: Решение о выделении спецполос для общественного транспорта на улице Geary на период чрезвычайного положения было принято осенью 2020 года; проект реализован зимой 2020/21. Результаты...

    Blog post

    This Weekend: Trolley Dances, Potrero Hill Festival and Wharf Fest

    6 years 4 months ago

    San Francisco Trolley Dances
    Photo courtesy of Epiphany Dance photographer Andy Mogg.

    San Francisco Trolley Dances

    Saturday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
    4th & Channel Streets at Mission Creek Park

    San Francisco Trolley Dances, now in its 15th anniversary season, is a two-day, free (with Muni fare) public performance curated by the Epiphany Dance Theater. Artists and dance ensembles are paired with specific sites along San Francisco’s Muni route, where they are invited to create an 8- to 15-minute dance piece in response to the physical environment, architecture and history of the area. This year’s route takes you from Mission Bay to SoMa. This admission-free festival has been dubbed “Art for citizens” and “A gift to the City” by past attendees, and a record of 5,000 people have joined us for a weekend of art and community. Line up for wristbands begins at 10 am. Show up early as they often have given out all of the wristbands hours in advance. Wristbands are given out on a first come, first serve basis.

    How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take N Judah or the KT Ingleside.

    Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event, however, routes in the area may see minor delays or increased ridership near Mission Bay.

    Potrero Hill Festival

    Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    Potrero Hill

    The Potrero Hill neighborhood will be hosting its 28th annual eponymous festival this Saturday on 20th Street between Missouri and Wisconsin streets. The Potrero Hill Festival celebrates the community with live music, food, drink and wares from local vendors, local historians, games and much more. There is something for the whole family to enjoy this weekend, so don't miss the opportunity to check out this iconic part of San Francisco.

    How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take the 10 Townsend, 19 Polk or 22 Fillmore to near the event.

    Muni Service Notes: The 10 will have a reroute for this event. The 19 and 22 may see minor delays or increased ridership in the area of the event.

    Wharf Fest

    Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Fisherman's Wharf

    Returning to Fisherman's Wharf for the sixth consecutive year, Wharf Fest showcases the historic wharf after the crowds of visitors have dissipated with a street fair atmosphere featuring over 50 booths of vendors, free activities, food and drink. The highlight of the event is surely the Clam Chowder Competition and Tastings, as Fisherman's Wharf restaurants battle it out to see whose clam chowder reigns supreme. Wharf Fest is a free event open to the public, however, tickets are required for the Clam Chowder Competition.

    How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take the E Embarcadero or F Market and Wharves streetcar lines, as well as the 8 Bayshore, 19 Polk, 28 19th Avenue, 30 Stockton, 39 Coit, 47 Van Ness or the 49 Van Ness/Mission routes to near the event.

    Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event, however, routes in the area may see minor delays or increased ridership near the Wharf.

    Remember that you can Muni the entire day for a single $5 fare. The new $5 Day Pass, available on MuniMobile®, is part of Muni’s recent fare changes. The pass is intended to encourage a safe, convenient way to pay your fare and quickly board Muni vehicles, which reduces overall travel time for everyone. The $5 Day Pass is Muni bus, rail and historic streetcars only. 

    “On Tap” gives you a heads up about the big events in town and what Muni routes and lines will get you to the party. Look for this feature to be posted usually on Thursdays for a look ahead to the weekend. Check out our Weekend Traffic & Transit Advisory for more details.

    Blog post

    Valencia Bikeway Improvements Coming Soon

    6 years 4 months ago

    Bikes on Valencia

    Valencia Street is one of San Francisco's highest utilized bike routes with 2100 cyclists riding along it on an average weekday. With parts of Valencia on the city’s High-Injury Network, we had a series of workshops in July to address safety and improve infrastructure along this corridor.

    Since the workshops, the project team received a lot of insightful feedback regarding the bikeway design alternatives and the near-term curb management (i.e., parking and loading) improvements from the community. This blog post provides a glimpse of what’s to come for the project over the next few months.

    Bikeway Update: Market to 15th streets

    Per the directives and partnership of Mayor London Breed, parking-protected bike lanes will be piloted on Valencia from Market to 15th streets in early 2019. In tandem with the bikeway upgrade, curb management changes will also be implemented on this stretch of the corridor. The project team will be conducting door-to-door outreach with merchants and following-up with stakeholders in the upcoming weeks. At this time, the parking-protected bikeway pilot is anticipated to be heard at the SFMTA Board of Directors meeting on December 4, 2018. Following that, city crews would begin constructing the parking-protected bike lanes, using temporary, low-cost materials as much as possible. Following the implementation, the project team will evaluate the design to help inform the longer-term, corridor-wide project. Additional outreach and community conversations will be held in spring and summer 2019 to determine a preferred bikeway design alternative(s) for the entire corridor.

    Bikes on Valencia

    Curb Management Update: 15th to 24th streets

    In the upcoming weeks, the project team will also be conducting another round of merchant door-to-door outreach to get feedback on impacts of potential color curb changes on Valencia Street from 15th to 24th streets. Most curb management improvements in this portion of Valencia include consolidating loading (passenger and commercial) zones and implementing more passenger loading zones that will be in effect past 6 p.m. The project team plans to share these proposals with the community later this fall. Please be on the lookout for another update in a few weeks detailing the next community event.

    Thanks for your interest and involvement in the Valencia Bikeway Improvements project. To stay in the loop about the project and upcoming events, please sign up for project updates.



    Одноразовый билет для сети Muni действует на протяжении 120 минут независимо от того, будет ли это поездка лишь на одном маршруте или с целым рядом пересадок между автобусами и легким метро...

    доступный PDF

    Friday, 16 October, 2020

    Спасибо за ваше время и участие в этом опросе, который поможет повысить безопасность на Пейдж-стрит! Заполненные опросы можно отправить по электронной почте команде проекта по адресу PageBikeway@sfmta...

    Вспомогательные документы


    Одноразовый билет для сети Muni действует на протяжении 120 минут независимо от того, будет ли это поездка лишь на одном маршруте или с целым рядом пересадок между автобусами и легким метро...



    Проездные билеты сроком на 1 месяц предоставляют наиболее удобный, неограниченный доступ к средствам муниципального транспорта Muni, в том числе к канатному трамваю (cable car), в течение календарного...


    29 Sunset проект улучшения

    Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

    Открыть карту 29 Sunset Improvement Project StoryMap 29 Sunset Improvement Project — это первый всеобъемлющий комплекс мер по инвестированию в этот маршрут для нынешних и будущих его пользователей...


    Городской транспорт: как удовлетворить потребности растущего города. Бюджет на 2021-2022 финансовый год.

    Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

    Ознакомиться с материалами со Дня Открытых Дверей Поделиться: Facebook Twitter Email Сан-Франциско - это не только город инноваций и преобразований, но и город, заботящийся об охране окружающей среды...


    2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Open House 1 of 2

    По мере того, как город возвращается к жизни после пандемии КОВИД-19, SFMTA разрабатывает предложение по восстановлению сервиса Muni в начале 2022 г. Посетите виртуальный день открытых дверей, который...


    2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Open House 2 of 2

    По мере того, как город возвращается к жизни после пандемии КОВИД-19, SFMTA разрабатывает предложение по восстановлению сервиса Muni в начале 2022 г. Посетите виртуальный день открытых дверей, который...


    2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Office Hours

    По мере того, как город возвращается к жизни после пандемии КОВИД-19, SFMTA разрабатывает предложение по восстановлению сервиса Muni в начале 2022 г. Формат работы офиса: посетители могут задавать...

    Project update

    Сеть сервиса Muni в 2022 году

    Каким должен быть сервис Muni в 2022 году? За последние месяцы мы представили три альтернативных варианта по расширению сервиса в начале 2022 года. Мы получили множество откликов, провели десятки...

    Project update

    Утвержденный план маршрутной сети общественного транспорта Muni на 2022 год

    Осенью 2021 года мы спросили жителей Сан-Франциско, что нам следует сделать в приоритетном порядке, когда мы сможем добавить больше услуг Muni в начале 2022 года. Мы получили сотни комментариев на...