Sutter Street Quick-Build Project

After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, the SFMTA has decided to pause the project. Please read our Latest project update for Details: Early 2025 Update

Présentation du projet (Project Introduction)

The Sutter Street Quick-Build Project is committed to delivering transportation safety and comfort on the project corridor from Market Street to Polk Street for all users, as well as improve transit reliability and bike network connectivity. The project will consider travel patterns, community input, and technical feasibility to inform designs that address safety issues, including the implementation of pedestrian safety improvements, protected bike facilities, curb management changes, traffic signal retiming, and transit-only lane adjustments.

Project Timeline
Summer 2023 - Spring 2024
Preliminary Outreach
Statut du Projet (Project Status)
  1. Planning
  2. Preliminary Engineering
Améliorations Prévues (Improvements)
Pedestrian safety improvements
SFMTA Drive and Parking icon
Parking and loading changes
Transit-only lane adjustments
Traffic signal retiming

What is a Quick-Build Project?

Quick-build projects are adjustable and reversible traffic safety improvements that can be installed relatively quickly with lower cost materials. Unlike major capital projects that may take years to plan, design, bid and construct, quick-build projects are buildable within months and are intended to be evaluated and reviewed shortly upon construction.  

Typical quick-build improvements can include:  

  • Road diet (i.e., travel lane removal)
  • Paint, delineators, and signs
  • Parking and loading adjustments  
  • Traffic signal retiming

Project Outreach

The project will begin conducting initial outreach in Fall 2023. Within this phase, project staff will connect with community members along Sutter Street and beyond to better understand mobility and safety needs. During Phase 2, staff will share design proposals for feedback to help inform the preferred design. Prior to implementation, this project will undergo a City approval process, including SFMTA Board approval.

Project Evaluation

SFMTA quick-build projects are evaluated through our Safe Streets Evaluation Program. The Safe Streets Evaluation Program will analyze the project before and after implementation to review outcomes and determine design effectiveness. Evaluations may inform future modifications to this street.

Project video(s)
Three Scooter Safety Tips (30 seconds)
Curb Efficiency: How Many People and Deliveries Can a Section of the Curb Move
San Francisco's Text-Before-Tow Program Explainer
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