Lake Merced Quick-Build Project

The Lake Merced Quick-Build Project is under construction! Much of the project has been installed, however there remains some ongoing transit boarding island construction. Construction is expected to be complete 2025. Check back or subscribe for project updates.
Présentation du projet (Project Introduction)

The Lake Merced Quick-Build Project involves roadway reallocation and lane narrowing on segments of Lake Merced Boulevard from Skyline Boulevard to John Muir Drive, promoting traffic calming and allowing for multimodal street improvements. The Lake Merced Quick-Build Project has two principal goals: 

1. Install traffic calming improvements to reduce collisions and improve comfort for all travelers along Lake Merced Boulevard

2. Implement safe pedestrian and bicycle connections to or along Lake Merced Boulevard

The area north and east of Lake Merced Park on Lake Merced Boulevard between Font and Sunset boulevards was part of San Francisco's Vision Zero High Injury Network (HIN), where 75% of the City's traffic injuries and fatalities occur on just 13% of San Francisco streets. 

Project Scope:

  • Reallocating parking and traffic lanes (only on some segments) to provide the opportunity to install upgraded pedestrian, bicycle, and transit infrastructure. 
  • Narrowing travel lanes widths to increase driver awareness and lower motor vehicle speeds. 
  • Upgrading crossings by:
    • Refreshing road paint to improve crosswalk visibility
    • Installing advance limit lines to create buffer between crosswalk and vehicles at stop lights
    • Upgrading transverse crosswalks (crosswalks outlined by only two parallel lines) to continental ("striped") crosswalks
    • Constructing raised crosswalks or speed cushions at slip lanes, where feasible, to slow right-fast turning vehicles
    • Upgrading traffic signal lens size from 8 to 12 inches
  • Installing on-street bikeways separated from traffic lanes using raised concrete islands to provide extra protection, and comfort for cyclists on the road, particularly on roads like Lake Merced Blvd, which has speed limits greater than 25 miles per hour.
  • Implementing Neighborways to serve as an alternative to constrained streets with high speeds and heavy vehicle traffic. Street design measures include speed humps and wayfinding pavement markings to make residential streets friendlier for walking and biking. Neighborways will be proposed where a traffic-separated bikeway is not feasible along Lake Merced Blvd.
  • Implementing transit boarding islands and stop optimization. Transit boarding islands are dedicated passenger waiting areas that are separated from the sidewalk by a bikeway. Upgrading flag stops to transit boarding islands along Lake Merced Blvd. streamlines transit service by enabling in-lane stops and eliminating bike-bus conflicts.

Trade-offs include:

  • Travel lane removal in some segments, but only in areas with extra vehicle capacity, and right/left turn lanes will be maintained.
  • Parking removal throughout corridor, areas parked with oversized vehicles will be phased out in correlation with the selection of a Safe Sleeping Site in coordination with District 7.
Project Timeline
July 2021
Project kickoff!
Summer 2021 - Spring 2022
Planning and Design Phase
Fall 2022/Early 2023
Internal review & SFMTA Board Approval
Fall 2023
Construction Begins
Statut du Projet (Project Status)
  1. Implementation / Construction
Améliorations Prévues (Improvements)
Muni logo
Quartiers (Neighborhoods)
Lake Merced Boulevard from Skyline Boulevard through John Muir Drive


The Lake Merced Quick Build Project builds upon two previous studies conducted in coordination with District 7:

  1. The Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility Study was completed in January 2021 using Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program (NTIP) funding. The primary goal of this study was to understand options for relieving congestion on the multi-use pathway around the lake. This study presents near-term options for adding bikeways at road-level on streets adjacent to the lake and long-term options for widening the multi-use pathway around the lake. This study currently has no funding for implementation. 
  2. The Lake Merced Pedestrian Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) was completed in October 2021.The CBTP prioritizes recommendations for both spot and corridor wide pedestrian safety improvements on Lake Merced Blvd. from Skyline Blvd. to John Muir Dr. The Quick Build scope incorporates many of these identified improvements.


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