K Ingleside Rapid Project

Beginning the week of January 27, 2025, we will begin converting some parking spaces along Ocean Avenue to loading zones. In addition to these new loading zones, we will also be creating new parking spaces on Dorado Terrace and on Ocean Avenue. Read more in this project update. 

Desde la semana del 27 de enero de 2025, comenzaremos a transformar algunos lugares para estacionar en Ocean Avenue en zonas de carga y descarga. Además de estas nuevas zonas de carga y descarga, también agregaremos espacios de estacionamiento nuevos en Dorado Terrace y en Ocean Avenue. Lea más detalles en las novedades del proyecto.

從2025年1月27日起,我們將開始將海洋大道(Ocean Avenue)沿線的部分停車位轉換為裝卸區。除了這些新的裝卸區,我們還將在Dorado Terrace上新建9個停車位。在我們的專案更新中了解詳情。 

Giới thiệu Dự án (Project Introduction)

The K Ingleside Rapid Project focuses improvements on Ocean Avenue between Junipero Serra Boulevard and the Balboa Park BART Station.

The K Ingleside connects the Ingleside district to downtown San Francisco via West Portal Avenue and the Twin Peaks Tunnel. It links residential neighborhoods, the Ocean Avenue commercial corridor, Balboa Park BART and schools, including City College of San Francisco and primary and secondary schools.

Over 13,000 riders board the K Ingleside daily, and ridership is steadily growing as the city recovers from the pandemic. The K Ingleside is identified as a priority for improvement by the Muni Service Equity Strategy, which focuses on improving Muni in neighborhoods with high percentages of households with low incomes, people of color, seniors and people with disabilities.

The K Ingleside Rapid Project aims to:

  • Improve capacity. The line currently runs two-car trains, but due to the inadequate size of some train platforms on Ocean Avenue, only one of the train cars is used, and the second car is locked to prevent riders from using it on that portion of the line, reducing capacity. Increasing train capacity is especially important as housing and jobs are added to the corridor.
  • Reduce travel times and increase reliability. Average speeds on the K Ingleside are as slow as 5 m.p.h. in the project area. This project aims to improve travel time by 10-20%.
  • Enhance traffic safety. Portions of Ocean Avenue within the project area are part of the High Injury Network, which is the 12% of city streets where 68% of all severe and fatal traffic collisions occur.

The project is part of the Muni Forward program, which delivers transit priority and reliability improvements across the Muni system, particularly where ridership is the highest and in the most transit-dependent neighborhoods.

Project Timeline
Spring 2023
Outreach: Initial community engagement including sharing out of ideas from the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan and engagement
Summer 2023
Outreach: Shared refined proposals based on feedback
Winter 2024
Outreach and legislation: Shared final proposals with the community and proposed the final plan to bring to SFMTA Board for their consideration and ultimate approval
Summer 2024
Implementation: Quick-build implementation of initial improvements
Internal Design: Detailed design of capital improvements
Implementation: Construction of capital improvements begins
Tình Trạng Dự Án (Project Status)
  1. Detailed Design
  2. Implementation / Construction
Thời Gian Hoàn Tất Dự Đoán (Predicted Completion)
Bus Routes and Rail Lines
Các Khu Phố (Neighborhoods)

District 7 Supervisor Myrna Melgar on the K Ingleside Rapid Project

“My office launched the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan with the SFCTA in 2021 to prioritize the transportation investments that Ocean Avenue deserves. With District 11 Supervisor Safai, we recruited a task force representing merchants, schools, neighborhood residents and cultural organizations, who led a robust outreach process that evaluated investments that could meet our goals:   

•       Improve safety and connectivity for people walking and cycling    
•       Improve transit efficiency, reliability and accessibility    
•       Manage congestion on streets, particularly at freeways    
•       Improve livability to support economic vitality and quality of life   
The K Ingleside Rapid Project will support every one of these goals and, as result, emerged as a critical project for the corridor. The project proposes smart investments that meet the neighborhood’s growing transportation needs with faster and more reliable transit that can move more people. It will also address traffic safety on one of the city’s most dangerous streets. I’ve asked the SFMTA to work on this project, and I’m excited for it to deliver transit that better connects us to Ocean Avenue and across the city.”  

Project Outreach

K Ingleside Rapid Project builds on previous efforts on the corridor to address current and future needs emerging from growth. Most recently, the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan convened a community task force in 2021 and held online town halls to prioritize and identify funding for improvements to transportation, safety for people walking and bicycling and traffic circulation. Through this process, the K Ingleside Rapid Project advanced as one of its priority projects. 

Public outreach led by the SFMTA for the project proceeded across a few phases: 

Spring 2023: The first phase included opportunities for community members to share their high-level ideas, experiences and values to shape the project. We also implemented merchant-focused outreach with a loading survey and door-to-door canvassing to potentially affected merchants. 

Summer 2023: The project team shared an updated proposal with detailed drawings. We launched a survey that received over 200 responses and held events on the corridor and meetings with neighbors and community groups. 

Fall 2023: We shared updated loading and parking proposal drawings with merchants highlighting new proposed loading zones for cars and trucks and continued to meet with community members and hold events

Winter 2024: The project team held a two-week virtual public hearing for community members to share feedback online and in-person. We finalized our project proposals and brought them for consideration by the SFMTA Board of Directors at their March 5, 2024 meeting, where the Board voted unanimously to approve the project.  


Construction of the project is primarily funded through a grant from the State of California’s Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program.

Current Phase or Stage


Other Efforts

The Frida Kahlo Quick-Build Project aims to improve safety for people walking and bicycling on Frida Kahlo Way at the Ocean Avenue intersection and to the section of Frida Kahlo Way north of Ocean Avenue.

Thông Tin Liên Hệ (Contact Information)
Brian Haagsman, Public Information Officer