Request a Construction Tow Away Zone
Do you need to clear a parking lane for construction work related to excavation? Register your construction tow away zone.
Large construction projects completed by City Contractors with Excavation Permits or Special Traffic Permits, Utility Companies, and City Agencies seeking parking enforcement from the SFMTA must register their construction tow-away zones after they have posted their tow-away signs.
All applications must be made at least 72 hours in advance of the first requested enforcement day.
To register your tow zone:
1) Go to the online form
2) Log in to your account
If you are a first time user: 1) click “Not a Member”; 2) enter your information using your company/agency email address; and 3) click “Sign Up”
3) Request a new tow zone or renew an existing one
4) Enter the information for the requested zone and click on “Confirm”
Please make sure to enter the valid permit number and the exact location where the signs are posted. For example 1-99 Van Ness Avenue for the odd side, 0-98 for the even side, or 0-99 for both odd and even side. If applicable, note the meter numbers.
If you need to request adjoining streets you must submit a separate request for each street.
View the How to Guide or email TowZoneRequest@sfmta.com if you experience problems with the application form. Staff will work to fix the issue within 24 hours.
Tows will not be enforced unless you have registered a tow zone. Registration and posting of signs must be at least 72 hours prior to the enforcement date. For Parking Enforcement of the tow away zone, please call 415.553.1200.
Construction no parking signs not related to Excavation are under the purview of the Department of Public Works(DPW). To create a temporary tow-away zones for street space and temporary occupancy please refer to DPW's website.
SFMTA Tow-Away Sign Template
Tow-Away signs required by a Special Traffic Permit to be posted for traffic control purposes, or required as part of an Excavation Permit, must be printed on 11”x17” sized paper, in color (red and white), and properly displayed and maintained.
Tow signs must be printed, not hand written.
All Tow-Away signs must have the following information:
- Times and Dates of active Tow-Away Zone
- Street, Cross Street & Side of Street (Addresses if available)
- STP Number
- Name of Contractor
- Contact Phone Number
To download a Tow-Away sign template, click here: Tow-Away Template