Construction Regulations

Regulations for Working in San Francisco Streets

Regulations For Working In San Francisco Streets, also known as the “Blue Book,” is a manual for City agencies (DPW, Muni, SFWD, DPT, Port of SF, etc.), utility crews, private contractors, and others doing work in San Francisco streets. It establishes rules for working safely and in a way that will cause the least possible interference with pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and other traffic.In addition to the regulations in this manual, contractors are responsible for complying with all city, state and federal codes, rules and regulations.

Blue Book regulations and forms

Spot Citations

Contractors who do not comply with all the requirements and regulations in our SFMTA manual “Regulations for Working in San Francisco Streets” (also known as the “Blue Book”) will be issued Safe Paths of Travel (SPOT) citations.

Below are instructions on how to pay or protest your Safe Paths of Travel (SPOT) Citation. You may also hear instructions on our SPOT Information Line at 415.701.2452

Payment Options

Payment must be made by check or money order only. Cash and credit card payments are not accepted. Make check or money order payable to San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA).

Payment is due and payable within 15 business days of the notice of the violation. Payments can be mailed or made in person to:

Attn: SPOT Program
One South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103-5417
Business Hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

A fine that remains unpaid more than 30 days after the due date on the will be subject to a late penalty of $50.00.

Request for Hearing

Pursuant to Section 307 (d) of the San Francisco Transportation Code, you have the right to an administrative hearing if you dispute the validity of the SPOT citation. A request for a hearing must be made within 15 business days of the date of the citation. To schedule a hearing please call 415.701.5401.

The cited party will be liable for the cost and attorneys’ fees incurred by the SFMTA in bringing any civil action to collect fees and or penalties. In addition, the SFMTA may initiate a lien pursuant to chapter 10, Article XX of the San Francisco Administrative Code.

Special Traffic Permit (STP)

You must apply for a Special Traffic Permit if you cannot comply with the requirements specified in the Blue Book.

The fee schedule (effective July 1, 2024) is as follows:

Fee Amount
Fee Base Fee Amount $388
Fee Base Fee Renewal  Amount $194
Fee Daily Fee Amount $78
Fee Late Fee Amount $435

The cost for a new Special Traffic Permit is the “base fee” plus the “daily fee” per permit working day. The minimum "two full working days" notice applies*.

The cost for a renewal Special Traffic Permit is the “base fee renewal” plus the “daily fee” per permit working day. The minimum "two full working days" notice applies.

Applications for Special Traffic Permits (new or renewals) that are received with less than the minimum two full working days’ notice may still be processed and issued. In those cases, a late fee will be added to the cost of the Special Traffic Permit. The cost for a late permit is the “late fee” plus the “base fee” plus the “daily fee” for each permit working day. We discourage this practice and reserve the right not to issue late permits.

“Two full working days” is defined as applications received by 9am on day 1 and for which the start date is no sooner than day 3. Working days include Monday thru Friday, and do not include weekends or city holidays.

Minimum two months notice for permits that require roadway restriping, transit detours, police and/or parking control officer support and other complex changes to the City’s transportation systems.  Examples include Tower Crane set-up and take-down, foundation pours and large excavations.

Non-Street-Related Construction in San Francisco

A common concern from San Franciscans is that neighborhood parking has been taken by contractors and ongoing construction projects. Please direct any questions regarding these permits to the Department of Public Works' Street Construction Coordination Center at 628.271.2000.

Request a Tow-Away Zone

To create a temporary tow-away zone for areas in which you will be performing construction, consult the guidelines at

Muni Construction Support and Clearance Permits

Construction projects or activities occurring on roadways with SFMTA Muni transit service may require a Muni Construction Support and Clearance Permit.

See for details

Holiday Moratorium

The Holiday Moratorium restricts work in the streets and sidewalks in the City of San Francisco from the day after Thanksgiving through January 1 between the hours of 7AM and 10PM. No work is allowed in the streets or sidewalks 1) in the area outlined in the “Holiday Restrictions Boundary” map in the Regulations for Working in San Francisco Streets (“Blue Book”); or 2) on any business block. A “business block” is defined as a block in which at least 50% of the linear frontage is devoted to business and applies to blocks outside the map area. (Alleys are not included in the Holiday Moratorium restriction unless they meet the criteria of a “business block.” Alleys are defined as streets under 25’ wide from curb to curb). Establishments in this protected category are retail stores, bars, restaurants, service type businesses, non-residence type hotels, or others as determined by the Director of Streets Division, for which the building includes a public entry on the subject street.

Applicants may apply for “Conditional Approval” to work on any block that has up to 75% business and is not in the map area without creating a map or list of businesses on the subject block. To apply for “Conditional Approval,” applicants should complete and submit a Holiday Moratorium form at the link below. If granted, applicant may work as long as no valid objection is received at SFMTA. Following any valid objection, Conditional Approval may be revoked and work ceased until the applicant receives a standard Holiday Moratorium waiver (see Holiday Moratorium form below).

Holiday Moratorium Form