Safety is a top priority for the SFMTA. Muni provides service to thousands of people every day. It is important to stay safe and treat your fellow riders with kindness and respect.
Report harassment - call 311 or use the Muni Feedback form.
For emergency assistance call 911.
All forms of harassment, assault and violence are strictly prohibited throughout the SFMTA network including on vehicles and at stops and facilities. Threatening, harming or harassing passengers or SFMTA employees is illegal and will not be tolerated.
On this page:
- Code of Good Conduct
- Animals on Muni
- Reporting Incidents on Muni
- Stay Safety While Using Muni
- Use Muni Metro Safely
- Late Night Stops
- Rules and Regulations
Code of Good Conduct
- Be respectful and courteous. Keep walkways and doorways clear. Allow customers to exit before entering a vehicle or elevator.
- Be attentive of your safety and the safety of others. *Muni operators may refuse to allow articles on board that could create a nuisance or cause harm.
- Follow rules and regulations.
- Make seats available to seniors, persons with disabilities, and other passengers when needed.
- Help us keep Muni clean. Do not smoke, eat, drink, litter, spit, vandalize or relieve yourself on Muni vehicles, stations and stops.
- Help us keep Muni running.
- Pay your fare and be ready to show a valid Muni pass or proof of payment.
- Do not tamper with Muni vehicles. This can cause service delays or disruptions.
- Avoid unnecessary conversation with the operator so they can focus on the road.
- Do not threaten, harm or harass passengers or SFMTA employees. Report incidents using the Muni Feedback form at or 311
Animals on Muni
See all official San Francisco transit regulations
For Your Safety and the Safety of Others
- Unlawful activities will be reported to the San Francisco Police Department.
- Your picture and voice may be recorded while you are riding a Muni vehicle.
- Stand behind the yellow lines and keep doorways clear.
- Do not let children stand on seats.
- Report any unattended items to the vehicle operator or to Muni Customer Service.
Reporting Crime, Harassment, and other Incidents on Muni
Did you experience or witness an incident you wish to report to SFMTA?
*Serious incidents and criminal activity should always be reported to the SFPD if comfortable doing so. Call 911 for emergency response.
- Notify the vehicle operator if it is safe to do so.
- Fill out the Muni Feedback form ( or call the San Francisco 311 Customer Service Center by dialing "311." Non-English speakers: call 311 for language-assisted reporting.
- Please provide as much information as possible:
- Incident location
- Time of day
- Number or letter of the Muni line
- Four-digit vehicle number (cable car numbers have one or two digits)
- Direction of travel
- Physical description of parties involved
Help us Reduce Harassment
All forms of harassment and assault are strictly prohibited throughout the SFMTA network including on vehicles, at stops and in facilities. Threatening, harming or harassing passengers or SFMTA employees is illegal and will not be tolerated.
Your report helps improve our safety response and focus our resources to reduce crime, harassment, and other incidents on Muni.
Learn more about the Safety Equity Initiative ( and our efforts to reduce harassment.
Tips to Stay Safe While Using Muni
- EYES UP. STAY AWAKE AND AWARE. A sleeping or distracted customer is an easy target. If you feel drowsy move around. Stay alert and aware or your surroundings as you read, use your phone, or use headphones.
- SECURE BELONGINGS. Close bags and carry them where you can see them. Keep money or valuables out of view.
- REPORT INCIDENTS IMMEDIATELY to law enforcement and/or the SFMTA so appropriate action can be taken.
Use Muni Metro Safely
- Contact a Station Agent immediately for help if there's a person or object in the trackway. Courtesy telephones located on Metro station platforms dial directly to the Station Agent booths.
- For emergency assistance, call 911.
- The yellow buffer zones on platforms are for your protection.
- STAY CLEAR OF THE DOORS. Muni Metro doors open and close automatically. Blocking them can cause injury or vehicle damage, delays and service disruption.
- MAKE ROOM FOR OTHERS. Keep personal items out of the way of fellow Muni riders.
- PLAY IN THE PARK, NOT THE METRO. Playing on escalators, running in stations or on trains and platforms, roller skating, blading, cycling, scootering and skateboarding increase the risk of injuries to you and others.
- USE ELEVATORS if you have limited physical abilities or are carrying large or heavy objects.
On the train
- HOLD ON. Sudden stops can occur.
- USE EMERGENCY INTERCOMS to alert the operator about incidents or unsafe conditions, located in the center sections of each train car. Press and release the red button and wait for the Operator to respond; push the button when speaking. The Operator can contact the Muni Transit Management Center for assistance if necessary.
On the street
- USE CROSSWALKS. Do not cross between trains. You cannot always hear an oncoming train.
Late Night Stops
After 8:30 pm, you may request to be let off between most scheduled bus stops.
- Tell your driver where you would like to exit.
- Remind the driver when you pull the request cord
- This service is only available on buses and not on the following streets:
- Market Street
- Ocean Avenue
- Judah Street
- West Portal Avenue
- Lincoln Way outbound (on the Golden Gate Park side of the street)
Rules and Regulations
Relevant laws
- San Francisco Health Code Article 19F, section 1009.22, Prohibiting Smoking in Buildings, Certain Vehicles, Certain Unenclosed Areas, Enclosed Structures Containing Certain Uses, and Sports Stadiums.
- San Francisco Police Code, Article 1, section 21, Consuming alcoholic beverages on public streets, etc., or on public property open to public view prohibited; penalty.
- San Francisco Transportation Code, Article 7, section 7.2.102, Passenger Conduct Regulations
- California Penal Code section 374.4, Of Crimes Against the Public Health and Safety
- California Penal Code section 640, Of Other and Miscellaneous Offenses