Early 2025 Update
Winter Greetings! This update is to inform you about the status of the Sutter Street Quick-Build Project. After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, the SFMTA has decided to pause the...
Winter Greetings! This update is to inform you about the status of the Sutter Street Quick-Build Project. After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, the SFMTA has decided to pause the...
Over the summer, we shared the good news that the first segment of the L Taraval Improvement Project was completed on schedule and within budget. A notice to proceed for the next phase of work...
The Golden Gate Avenue Safety Project is an effort to increase safety for more vulnerable people on Golden Gate Avenue. Golden Gate Avenue is a High Injury Corridor with some of the highest pedestrian...
Key Takeaway: Elevator outages significantly impact the accessibility of the fixed route system, especially at stations with only one elevator between station levels. The agency requires funding to...
This week, San Francisco Mayor London Breed released the 2021 Vision Zero Action Strategy—our City’s multi-agency framework for eliminating traffic deaths and reducing severe injuries. The City and...
Clarendon Quick-Build is a transportation safety improvement project along Clarendon Avenue from Johnstone Drive to Laguna Honda Boulevard. The project proposes a road diet (reducing vehicle travel...
Giants Mascot Lou Seal joined us to celebrate the 3rd Street Quick-Build's grand opening. Together, we cut a ribbon over the new two-way bikeway. We’re excited to spread the word about the recently...
Annie Washington and Chanelle Smith are two of Muni’s newest cable car grips. The Muni family is proud to introduce two of its newest cable car grips: Chanelle Smith and Annie Washington. Earning the...
We're proud of the steps we’ve taken so far, but we’re determined to make improvements around accessibility. We're working to make our system more accessible, and we'd like to hear from you before we...
Key Takeaway: Ramp taxis are wheelchair-accessible vehicles in San Francisco's taxi fleet. The SFMTA provides operating and capital incentives to ramp taxi drivers to help increase their number and...
The L Taraval Improvement project is a multi-agency collaboration with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the Department of Public Works to improve and upgrade this vital corridor...
On December 12, 2024, SFMTA Director of Transportation Jeffrey Tumlin announced he would be stepping down from his position at the end of 2024. Tumlin has led the SFMTA since December 2019, and his...
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City Parking Permits are available for use when performing official City business In accordance with Section 910 of the San Francisco Transportation Code, any city-owned or personal vehicle parked at...
City Parking Permits are available for use when performing official City business In accordance with Section 910 of the San Francisco Transportation Code, any city-owned or personal vehicle parked at...
The Transbay Howard Streetscape Improvement Project is an effort to implement permanent, high-quality streetscape infrastructure along Howard Street between 4th Street and The Embarcadero to improve...
The SFMTA has released a new version of the MuniMobile® app, providing enhanced trip planning, service alerts and real-time transit predictions. The mobile app will continue to offer mobile ticketing...
Virtual Open House now thru January 12 The 3rd Street Quick-Build virtual open house is in full swing! Check out our virtual open house page to learn more about the proposed design and provide your...
The holiday spirit is in full swing at SweaterFest. We’re celebrating the holiday season with a special bonus episode of our Taken with Transportation podcast. “Keeping Warm at SweaterFest” takes you...
To improve reliability and travel time on the 58 Lake Merced, the route will no longer stop at Sunset Boulevard & Lake Merced Boulevard in either direction, effective January 20, 2024. Riders can...
San Francisco residents, commuters and visitors will see significant movement toward safe streets as the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) - which manages all surface...
Thanks to the almost 1,600 respondents who gave us feedback on design details for the new trees and decorative sidewalks that will be a part of the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project. We have...