Sunset Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project

Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

The project aimed to improve the safety and reliability of the N Judah Line by replacing track and other infrastructure inside the Sunset Tunnel. Other improvements included Transit Signal Priority upgrades at nine intersections along the N Judah Line and construction of accessible platforms at Judah and 28th Avenue.

Статус проекта (Project Status)
  1. Completed
Текущая фаза или этап (Current Phase or Stage)
Прогнозируемое завершение (Predicted Completion)
October 2017
Bus Routes and Rail Lines
Микрорайоны (Neighborhoods)
Детали проекта, история и характерные особенности (Project Details, History or Features)

The Sunset Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project replaced tracks and repaired other infrastructure inside the Sunset Tunnel, which is located between Cole Valley and Duboce Triangle. The project also brought the following improvements to the tunnel and the N Judah Metro line:

  • Rail replacement: New track for a smoother, faster ride on Muni
  • Overhead Contact System (OCS) replacement: An improved overhead wire system to enhance safety and reliability of the N Judah Line
  • Fire safety system upgrades: Refurbishing fire water valves
  • Seismic upgrades: Structural retrofit of the Sunset Tunnel portal retaining walls and their foundations
  • Transit Signal Priority upgrades: Addition of transit signal priority for rail cars at nine intersections
  • Accessible platforms: Construction of two accessible platforms at 28th Avenue to provide safe boardings for all customers

The construction was coordinated with the Transit Signal Priority upgrades that prioritize rail cars at nine intersections: 19th/Judah, Sunset/Judah, Carl/Stanyan, 9th/Irving, 9th/Judah, 6th/Irving, 7th/Irving, 4th/Irving, and 18th/Judah. Construction of two accessible platforms at 28th Avenue also took place.

Контактная информация (Contact Information)