Divisions & Units

Design Strategy and Delivery

General Description The CSO Design Strategy and Delivery Section employs a collaborative, data-driven, and iterative human-centered design process. Leading and supporting mission-critical internal and external work streams and projects, the team...

Director of Transportation

Under the leadership of Julie Kirschbaum as the Director of Transportation, the SFMTA works together to plan, build, operate, regulate and maintain the transportation network, with our partners, to connect communities. Public Records Request The San...

Director of Transportation Search Committee (2019)

Responsibilities The Board of Directors Search Committee for the Director of Transportation was an ad hoc committee that met during 2019. The committee was appointed by SFMTA Board Chair, Malcolm Heinicke, and was chaired by Director Amanda Eaken...

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness is a unit of Security, Investigations & Enforcement Section Our Responsibilities Develop and enhance SFMTA emergency management capabilities Coordinate interdepartmental/interagency emergency management and Homeland Security...

Employee & Labor Relations

Employee & Labor Relations The Employee and Labor Relations Division supports the Agency’s Mission, Vision and Values by promoting non-adversarial labor-management relations in dealing with employees and their organizations to effectively and...

Employee Health & Wellness

Employee Health & Wellness - License & Medical/Drug & Alcohol Program/Peer Assistance Program/Employee Assistance Program - CARE Ensure SFMTA employees can safely perform their job duties Ensure validity of employee-required DMV Commercial License...

Mary F. Donovan

Mary F. Donovan

Manager, Employee Health & Wellness


Our Responsibilities Civil, Track - Responsible for design and development of engineering plans and specifications for all trackway infrastructure and site works for capital improvement projects. Electrical Engineering - Responsible for design and...

Jane Wang

Engineering Deputy Director

Equal Employment Opportunity Office

The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office is responsible for leading, building and implementing SFMTA’s EEO Programs, including: Protecting equal employment opportunity rights at SFMTA through education and training; Monitoring our compliance...

Equitable Communications Section

Equitable Communications is the unit within the Office of Racial Equity & Belonging which directs the development of comprehensive strategies and standards for communication that will advance racial equity, social equity and transportation equity...

Equitable Services & Systems Section

Equitable Services & Systems is the unit within the Office of Racial Equity & Belonging Section that leads cross-agency projects to coordinate racial and social equity efforts in service delivery, planning and stakeholder engagement. The Equitable...

Equitable Workforce & Workplace Section

Equitable Workforce & Workplace is the unit within the Office of Racial Equity & Belonging that directs racial equity and other equity analyses aimed at understanding and eliminating demographic gaps in the SFMTA workforce. Equitable Workforce &...

Executive Projects & Strategic Planning

The Executive Projects & Strategic Planning Team supports the Director of Transportation and agency leadership in defining their goals and creating a plan to achieve them through the strategic planning process. The team also serves as a trusted...

External Communications, Marketing & Outreach

The External Communications, Marketing & Outreach Division is responsible for internal and external communications that engage and share information with customers, stakeholders and the public. The division is responsible for media and public...

Portrait of Deanna DeSedas

Deanna DeSedas

Acting Director of Communications, Marketing & Outreach

Facilities and Real Property Management

General Description The Facilities and Real Property Management Section is responsible for creating and maintaining innovative spaces including buildings, grounds and workplaces that support delivering excellent transportation choices for San...

Finance & Information Technology

Goals & Responsibilities The Finance and Information Technology (FIT) Division provides strategic advice and information to support organizational decision-making and improved financial management. FIT maximizes the financial and physical capacity of...

Financial Services

Financial Services reports to the Parking & Curb Management Unit of the Streets Division Our responsibilities Oversight of Non-Revenue Vehicle Fleet Program, including Healthy Air and Clean Transportation Ordinance Enforcement, Vehicle-on-Demand...