Lincoln Way Quick-Build Project

프로젝트 소개 (Project Introduction)

The Lincoln Way Quick-Build Project will improve comfort and safety for people walking along or crossing Lincoln Way, between Arguello Boulevard and Great Highway. Improvements will consist of quick and reversible traffic safety improvements that prioritize active transportation modes, primarily walking through safe pedestrian facilities, signal timing improvements and curb management. The final design will be guided by outreach to the Sunset community in collaboration with Supervisor Districts 4 and 7 in order to understand specific traffic safety and loading needs of the corridor. 


Project Timeline
Public Outreach / Conceptual Design
Winter 2022
Public Outreach / Detailed Design
Spring 2023
Environmental Review & Legislation
Summer 2023
Winter 2024
프로젝트 상태 (Project Status)
  1. Completed
개선 (Improvements)
근린 (Neighborhoods)


Significant portions of Lincoln Way, from Great Highway to Arguello Boulevard, are on San Francisco’s High Injury Network, the 12% of city streets that account for over 68% of serious injuries and fatalities. Along the project extent, from June 2017 to July 2021, there were 24 collisions involving a pedestrian and 148 collisions overall that involved an injury. The purpose of this project is to address traffic safety issues for the most vulnerable road users along Lincoln Way between Great Highway and Arguello Boulevard.  

Quick-Build projects are comprised of reversible or adjustable traffic control, such as roadway and curb paint, signs, traffic signal timing modifications, and parking and loading adjustments. While quick-build projects are limited in scope, they offer the opportunity to implement safety improvements more quickly than a typical design-bid-build process. Quick-build projects are primarily implemented entirely by City crews, rather than with contractors, and include paint, signs, minor signal modifications and timing updates, plastic delineators, meter placement, concrete islands, curb ramps, and minor pavement improvements.

The SFMTA’s goals for this project include the following:

  • Implement pedestrian safety improvements on Lincoln Way  
  • Reduce number of conflicts between those who walk, bike, take transit, and drive on the corridor 
  • Build trust and connection with the Sunset community  
  • Improve traffic safety for the most vulnerable users, specifically pedestrians 
  • Improve use of curb space for organizations and businesses 

Goals may be modified or further developed based on feedback gathered during public outreach and the results of analysis performed during the planning phase as the project progresses. 

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Vision Zero SF logo
연락처 (Contact Information)