Balboa Park Station Area and Plaza Improvements

プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

Balboa Park Station and the surrounding area is one of the busiest transit hubs in the region, serving more than 24,000 people daily. It has one of the highest ridership BART stations outside of downtown San Francisco. The site is the terminus for three light rail routes and is served by several Muni bus lines. The area also encompasses the I-280 Ocean-Geneva Avenue system with multiple on- and off-ramps. The SFMTA Green Yard, used for storage and maintenance of light rail vehicles, is also located adjacent to the station. Regional attractions within walking distance include the San Francisco City College campus, Balboa Park and several other middle and high schools.

With such a busy and multi-faceted hub of transportation activity, this project aims to improve the safety and accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and intermodal travelers, in addition to some streetscape improvements and maintenance upgrades.

Project Timeline
Detail Design Phase
February 2016
Start of Construction
December 2017
Expected Completion
プロジェクトの現状 (Project Status)
  1. Current
改善点 (Improvements)
Muni Metro train
Track Repairs and Reliability
Bulbouts and Sidewalk Improvements
SFMTA Accessibility icon
Sidewalk Ramps
プロジェクトの詳細、沿革または特徴 (Project Details, History or Features)


  • Sidewalk widening on Geneva Avenue to provide more space for pedestrians

  • Expansion of the existing median on Geneva Ave, including the installation of landscaping for pedestrian safety

  • Red transit-only lanes on Geneva Avenue (between Delano Avenue and I-280) to improve transit service and reliability

  • Improved pedestrian crossing on Ocean Ave near I-280 on-ramp where the K & J lines enter the Green Light Rail Center, to enhance accessibility and improve pedestrian safety

  • Pedestrian lighting along the perimeter of the Balboa Park Station to increase transit customer safety and visibility.

  • Flashing beacon system on the I-280 Ocean Avenue off-ramp to improve pedestrian safety by warning drivers of pedestrians crossing the off-ramp

  • Relocation of the Overhead Contact System poles off the J/K walkway to improve safety and accessibility

  • Additional signs around the Balboa Park Station to increase customer awareness of transit options in the area

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps on Ocean Avenue and Geneva Avenue

  • Resurfacing of Geneva Avenue between San Jose Avenue and I-280  

  • Upgrading of the traffic and train signaling system.

Green Light Rail Center Track Replacement project Key components are:

  • Replacement of the worn storage track and switches and special track work in the yard

  • Upgrading of the Overhead Contact System

  • Upgrading of the electrical system

  • Improving the lighting within the yard

  • Construction of a key stop with an ADA accessible ramp at San Jose Ave as an embarking point for the J and K lines

  • Landscape work around the yard next to the sidewalk along San Jose and Ocean Avenue  


Area impacts are expected, including noise, dust and moving vehicles. Other impacts may also include traffic delays, parking restrictions, bus stop relocations, traffic routing, pedestrian detours and transit service changes.

General construction working hours are 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Major impacts are scheduled to avoid disruption of weekday, peak-hour congestion.

We will consistently work with the contractor to minimize any disruptions to the community and mitigate concerns.


  • The San Francisco Board of Supervisors adopted the Balboa Park Station Area Plan in 2009, which has served as a template for all development activities in the area.

  • In October 2012, the Balboa Park Station Capacity and Conceptual Engineering Study was completed to refine and advance the Balboa Park Station Area Plan from a vision to a reality, improving the area around the Balboa Park Station.

Objective: To implement safety, accessibility, and transit improvements around the Balboa Park Station to enhance the customer experience in one of the regions busiest multimodal facilities.

BART logo
Muni logo
Muni Forward
San Francisco Public Works logo