Sloat & Skyline Intersection Improvement

Project Updates (2/11/2025)

SFMTA paint crews and contractors are on schedule to activate the new traffic signal at Sloat and Skyline by the end of February. PG&E has provided power, and SFMTA crews have substantially completed paint work at the intersection. 

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Présentation du projet (Project Introduction)

Sloat & Skyline Intersection Alternatives Analysis (2017) was a planning-level project to evaluate design options to improve traffic safety and operations where Sloat Boulevard, Skyline Boulevard (CA-35), and 39th Avenue intersect.

The primary goals of the project were to:

  • Improve safety for all road users
  • Increase the visibility of people walking and bicycling and reduce intersection conflict points
  • Improve or maintain transit and vehicle circulation at the intersection

This project sought to identify options to make the intersection a more inviting, safe, and comfortable experience for all users. SFMTA staff worked with a consultant team to evaluate two high-level design concepts to improve traffic flow and safety at the Sloat and Skyline intersection — one considering adding a traffic signal and the other a roundabout. Since two of the three approaches to the junction are under Caltrans jurisdiction, staff engaged state traffic engineers to evaluate the specific trade-offs of the two concepts. Subsequent to the study, the SFMTA, in coordination with Caltrans partners, advanced design and funding for a new traffic signal as the preferred alternative for the intersection.

SFMTA also has planned and legislated the Sloat Blvd Quick-Build Project, which will improve safety and enhance active-travel options on Sloat Boulevard between Skyline Boulevard and the Great Highway, connecting Lake Merced, the San Francisco Zoo, and Ocean Beach. The project will upgrade pedestrian crossings, add a two-way protected bikeway, improve accessibility, and consider other measures to reduce vehicle speeds while keeping traffic moving. This project will connect directly to the Sloat and Skyline intersection. 

Project Timeline
Preliminary outreach
Develop design concepts
Signal design
Signal construction
Statut du Projet (Project Status)
  1. Completed
Améliorations Prévues (Improvements)
Improved safety and comfort of crossing the intersection on foot
Improved safety and comfort of crossing the intersection by bike
SFMTA Drive and Parking icon
Improved traffic flow and intersection navigability
Bus Routes and Rail Lines
Quartiers (Neighborhoods)
Sloat Blvd., Skyline Blvd., 39th Ave.
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San Francisco County Transportation Authority logo