You must apply for a Special Traffic Permit if you cannot comply with the construction regulations specified in the Blue Book.
The fee schedule (effective July 1, 2024) is as follows:
Base Fee | $388 |
Base Fee Renewal | $194 |
Daily Fee | $78 |
Late Fee | $435 |
The cost for a new Special Traffic Permit is the “base fee” plus the “daily fee” per permit working day. The minimum "two full working days" notice applies*.
The cost for a renewal Special Traffic Permit is the “base fee renewal” plus the “daily fee” per permit working day. The minimum "two full working days" notice applies.
Applications for Special Traffic Permits (new or renewals) that are received with less than the minimum two full working days’ notice may still be processed and issued. In those cases, a late fee will be added to the cost of the Special Traffic Permit. The cost for a late permit is the “late fee” plus the “base fee” plus the “daily fee” for each permit working day. We discourage this practice and reserve the right not to issue late permits.
“Two full working days” is defined as applications received by 9am on day 1 and for which the start date is no sooner than day 3. Working days include Monday thru Friday, and do not include weekends or city holidays.
* Minimum two months notice for permits that require roadway restriping, transit detours, police and/or parking control officer support and other complex changes to the City’s transportation systems. Examples include Tower Crane set-up and take-down, foundation pours and large excavations.
Non-Street-Related Construction in San Francisco
A common concern from San Franciscans is that neighborhood parking has been taken by contractors and ongoing construction projects. Please direct any questions regarding these permits to the Department of Public Works' Bureau of Street-Use & Mapping at 628.271.2000.