The Beach Street Quick-Build Project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors on December 17, 2024!
Thank you to everyone who submitted comments via email and/or attended the hearing. The approved design can be viewed here.
Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring 2025 and will take approximately one to two months.
Construction Continues for Pedestrian Treatments on Beach Street between Jones Street and The Embarcadero
Construction crews will continue being out on Beach Street to install light-touch pedestrian safety treatments on Beach Street between Jones Street and The Embarcadero. These improvements include upgraded crosswalks, advance limit lines and daylighting. There will be no parking and loading changes as part of this phase of construction.
The Beach Street Quick-Build Project is committed to delivering transportation safety and comfort on the project corridor from The Embarcadero to Polk Street for all users. The project will consider travel patterns, community input, and technical feasibility to inform designs that address safety issues, including the implementation of pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements, curb management changes and traffic signal retiming.
Beach Street is an east-west roadway in the Fisherman's Wharf's area that includes tourist, maritime, commercial retail, office and hotel activity. It is part of San Francisco's Vision Zero High Injury Network, or the 12% of San Francisco streets which experience 68% of the city’s severe traffic injuries and fatalities. The Beach Street Quick-Build Project seeks to address these safety issues and build upon transportation safety improvements that were implemented around Beach Street. These improvements include The Jefferson Streetscape Improvement Project, Daylighting at High Injury Network Intersections, and Reduced Street Speeds.
- Legislado (Legislated)
- Implementación / Construcción (Implementation / Construction)
Project Benefits
Improvements within the project area will provide a greater sense of safety while bicycling and walking and will support the City’s Vision Zero goals.
What is a Quick-Build Project?
Quick-build projects are adjustable and reversible traffic safety improvements that can be installed relatively quickly with lower cost materials. Unlike major capital projects that may take years to plan, design, bid and construct, quick-build projects are buildable within months and are intended to be evaluated and reviewed shortly upon construction.
Typical quick-build improvements can include:
- Paint, delineators, and signs
- Parking and loading adjustments
- Traffic signal retiming
Evaluation Process
All SFMTA quick-build projects are intended to be evaluated through our Safe Streets Evaluation Program within the initial 24 months of construction. The Safe Streets Evaluation Program will analyze the project before and after implementation to review outcomes and determine design effectiveness. Evaluations will inform near-term modifications and a long-term design for this street.
Project Outreach
A community engagement process is currently underway and stakeholders will be informed during each step of the planning, legislation and construction phases. Please subscribe to receive project updates via email or by mobile phone.
Stay Updated
If your business, organization or community group would like a presentation about the Beach Street Quick-Build project, please contact the project team at