Contract 36 Traffic Signal Modifications

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導言 (Project Introduction)

The Contract 36 Traffic Signal Modifications project will implement traffic-signal related modifications at 19 locations across the City. Signal modifications include new pedestrian countdown signals (PCS), new accessible pedestrian signals (APS), new higher-visibility 12-inch traffic signals on mast arms, new left turn signals, curb ramps, and replacement of old/damaged signal infrastructure. Twelve of the intersections are located on the Vision Zero High Injury Network, which encompasses the pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle high injury corridors. These signal modifications will improve accessibility and safety for all.

The project was made possible in part by Proposition K and Proposition L Sales Tax dollars provided by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, General Fund Population Growth Proposition B funds, a California Transportation Commission (CTC) Local Partnership Program (LPP) grant, and an Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) grant.


Project Locations

Intersections with Full Traffic Signal Upgrades: 

Installation of new 12" traffic signals, poles, conduits, pedestrian countdown signals (PCS), accessible pedestrian signals and curb ramps:

  • 7th Avenue and Kirkham Street
  • 17th Street and Folsom Street
  • 19th Street and Folsom Street
  • 21st Street and Folsom Street
  • 22nd Street and Folsom Street
  • 23rd Street and Folsom Street
  • 20th Street and Dolores Street
  • California Street and Presidio Avenue
  • Stanyan Street and Turk Boulevard
Intersections with Traffic Signal Modifications:
  • 3rd Street and Carroll Street: Replace damaged pole on the southeast corner.
  • 4th Street and Howard Street: Upgrade curb ramp and install more durable traffic signal utility box covers.
  • Bush Street and Taylor Street: Install new mast arm signal over the roadway to improve signal visibility for northbound Taylor Street traffic.
  • 9th Street and Brannan Street: Install new mast arm signal over the roadway to improve signal visibility for eastbound Brannan Street traffic.
  • 9th Street and Bryant Street: Install new mast arm signals for Bryant Street and US-101 freeway off-ramp traffic and install a new sidewalk extension (bulb-out) at the northeast corner.
  • 10th Street and Bryant Street: Open new crosswalk across US-101 freeway on-ramp and install new traffic and pedestrian signals for the crossing.
  • Essex Street and Harrison Street: Install new mast arm signal over the roadway to improve signal visibility for westbound Harrison Street traffic.
  • Gough Street, Haight Street & Market Street: Install new mast arm signal over the roadway to improve signal visibility for eastbound Market Street traffic. 
  • Jones Street and Pine Street, Install a new mast arm signal and protected left turn green arrow signal for eastbound Pine Street traffic.
  • Pine Street and Taylor Street, Install a new mast arm signal and protected left turn green arrow signal for northbound Taylor Street traffic.


項目時間表 (Project Timeline)
Spring 2020 - Summer 2023
Solicit Bids from Contractors
Summer 2023 - Spring 2024
Spring 2024 - Summer 2025
項目狀態 (Project Status)
  1. 實施或施工 (Implementation / Construction)
改善 (Improvements)
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聯繫資料 (Contact Information)
Nikki Kobayashi