23rd Avenue Slow Street

導言 (Project Introduction)

23rd Avenue from Lake Street to Cabrillo in the Richmond was approved as a Slow Street by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board on December 6, 2022. This corridor had initially been implemented as a COVID-19 Response Slow Street in 2021.

    Learn more about the Slow Streets Program  

    23rd Avenue Slow Street Evaluation 

    The SFMTA Project team collects data to assess how each Slow Street is performing against the Slow Streets Program targets: 

    • Vehicle speeds at or below 15 mph 
    • Vehicle volumes less than 1,000 per day 

    See the latest evaluation in the “Related Reports & Documents” section on the right side of this webpage. For additional information on how this street compares to others in the Slow Streets program, or for overall program findings, please see the 2023 Evaluation Report.  

    街坊 (Neighborhoods)

    Questions? Please reach out to the project team at SlowStreets@SFMTA.com and include "23rd Avenue" in the subject line. To receive updates, please sign up via the link on the righthand side of this page.  

    聯繫資料 (Contact Information)