Front Seat Passengers at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) 9.2.2022

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Taxi Industry

TO:  San Francisco Taxi Drivers, Color Scheme Managers and Medallion Holders

On February 15, 2022, the SFMTA issued guidance stating that drivers at SFO who did not wish to take passengers in the front seat would not be subject to a fare refusal. 

Given the widespread availability of vaccines, this policy is ending and drivers will need to resume taking passengers in the front seat.  Commencing 12:01am on September 15, 2022, drivers at SFO must resume taking passengers in the front seat.  After that time, a refusal to take passengers in the front seat will be considered a fare refusal. 

Drivers may offer passengers a mask and request that they wear it while in the front seat, but there is no current requirement that passengers wear a mask while in a taxi. 

No more rear seat only sign

If you have questions, please contact SFMTA at or call 415.701.4400.