Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC)

SFMTA works closely with the Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC) in planning and monitoring door-to-door van and taxi services provided by SF Paratransit. The PCC is a 38-member committee comprised of van and taxi consumers, representatives of agencies serving older adults and individuals with disabilities, transportation providers and government entity representatives. To receive meeting notices, please contact Jonathan Cheng at

The PCC meets about every six weeks from 10:30am – 12:30pm. All meetings are in a hybrid format, with the in-person location at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103. The remote option will be available on the meeting notice on the SFMTA website and mailed out to those on our mailing list. 

2025 Meeting Dates:

  • January 15
  • March 19
  • May 14
  • August 13
  • October 1
  • November 1 - Annual Meeting 
  • December 10

Paratransit Coordination & Operation (PC&O) Subcommittees

The Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC) has Paratransit Coordination & Operations (PC&O) subcommittees for SF Access, Group Van, and Taxi & Ramp Taxi services. They are comprised of service consumers, representatives of agencies serving older adults and individuals with disabilities, transportation providers and government entity representatives. 

Each PC&O subcommittee meets once every three months via Zoom. All meetings are in a hybrid format, with the in-person location at 12 68 12th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. The online meeting link option will be sent electronically to those on our mailing list.

These are the following meeting dates for 2025:

  • January 8: Group Van                 
  • February 5: Taxi & Ramp Taxi     
  • March 5: SF Access                 
  • April 9: Group Van               
  • May 7: Taxi & Ramp Taxi   
  • June 4: SF Access
  • July 9: Group Van
  • August 6: Taxi & Ramp Taxi
  • September 3: SF Access
  • October 8 Group Van                 
  • November 5: Taxi & Ramp Taxi   
  • December 3: SF Access  

How to Get Involved

To receive more information about the PCC or PC&O, or to be placed on a mailing list to receive agendas and meetings minutes, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services at 415.646.2260 or the Mobility Management Center


The PCC is always looking for new members. If you have an interest in advocating for paratransit issues and use any of SFMTA's paratransit services, please consider joining us.

To become a member, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services.  If there is a vacancy you may be appointed by the PCC Executive Committee to fill it through the next full election of members. Elections are held during the PCC Annual Meeting, which generally occurs in November, where anyone who qualifies may run for membership.

Meeting Accessibility

The PCC & PC&O meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible.

Both meeting locations are accessible by public transit. Please contact the Mobility Management Center to learn more about how to access these meeting locations via public transportation.

There are accessible curbside parking spaces on 12th Street between Market Street and Otis Street. 

To obtain a disability-related accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, or to obtain meeting materials in alternative format, please contact SFMTA’s Accessible Services Division. Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.

Please help us accommodate and be conscientious of our attendees with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, and refrain from wearing chemical-based products.

Committee Officers:

  • Marty Smith, PCC Chair
  • Jane Redmond, PCC Vice Chair
  • Kevin Lee, PCC Secretary
  • Zuhair Sinada , PC&O Chair
  • Nichelle Williams, PC&O Vice Chair, SF Access Subcommittee
  • Cheryl Damico, PC&O Vice Chair, Group Van Subcommittee
  • Jessica Felix, PC&O Vice Chair, Taxi & Ramp Taxi Subcommittee