As San Francisco begins the re-opening process, we expect more people trying to get out and around town, thus creating more traffic congestion and put pressure on our transit system. Muni buses are already at capacity providing service for transit-dependent San Franciscans and essential workers. More drivers mean traffic congestion that hurts our economic recovery and slows transit service. Do your part to help alleviate the pressure on our Muni system and consider using sustainable modes to get around town. We've developed interactive multi-mode maps, Slow Streets and Bike network maps and other handy resources for you to plan your next trip.
Birds-eye view of people walking and biking on Market at 11th Street
What are sustainable modes?
Walking, biking, or taking shared mobility like a scooter or moped is considered using an sustainable mode
How can I help with Muni capacity once San Francsico begins to re-open?
- Consider using sustainable modes to get to your destination
- Stagger your travel to shift to off-peak times
- Leave early to prepare for potentially needing to wait for a less crowded Muni vehicle