For clarification about any items before the public hearing, the responsible staff person is listed, along with an email address.
The following items have been environmentally cleared by the Planning Department on July 6, 2020, Case 2011.0558E:
Fulton Street, between Willard Street North and La Playa – Fulton Street Safety and Transit Projects
A. Fulton Street, north side, from Arguello Boulevard to 125 feet westerly
(10-foot to 16-foot tapered bus bulb within existing bus zone, no parking impacts)
B. Fulton Street, north side, from 6th Avenue to 105 feet westerly (6-foot wide transit bulb within existing bus zone, no parking changes)
C. Fulton Street, north side, from 8th Avenue to 100 feet westerly (5.5-foot wide transit bulb within existing bus zone, no parking impacts)
D. Fulton Street, north side, from 10th Avenue to 93 feet westerly (5.5-foot wide transit bulb within existing bus zone, no parking changes)
E. Fulton Street, south side, from 10th Avenue to 100 feet easterly (5.5-foot wide transit bulb within existing bus zone, restores 1 parking space)
Fulton Street, south side, from 18 feet west of 6th Avenue to 125 feet east of 6th Avenue (removes 3 motorcycle spaces and 1 parking space, relocates 2 blue zones for a 6-foot wide transit and pedestrian bulb)
A. Fulton Street, north side, from 20 to 25 feet east of Willard Street North
B. Fulton Street, south side from 10 to 54 feet west of Willard Street North east crosswalk
C. Fulton Street, north side, from 9 feet to 26 feet east of 2nd Avenue
D. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 25 feet west of 2nd Avenue
E. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 2nd Avenue east crosswalk
F. Fulton Street, north side, from 20 feet to 24 feet east of 4th Avenue
G. Fulton Street, south side, from 21 feet to 40 feet west of 4th Avenue east crosswalk
H. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 25 feet west of 4th Avenue
I. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 5th Avenue
J. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 44 feet west of 5th Avenue east crosswalk
K. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 24 feet west of 5th Avenue
L. Fulton Street, south side, from 27 feet to 47 feet east of 7th Avenue
M. (east edge of Golden Gate Park entrance)
N. Fulton Street, south side, from 5 feet to 15 feet west of 8th Avenue
O. Fulton Street, north side, from 11 feet to 20 feet east of 10th Avenue
P. Fulton Street, south side, from 4 feet to 20 feet west of 10th Avenue
Q. Fulton Street, north side, from 11th Avenue to 20 feet easterly
R. Fulton Street, north side, from 10 feet to 26 feet east of 12th Avenue
S. Fulton Street, south side, from 19 feet to 40 feet west of 12th Avenue crosswalk
T. Fulton Street, north side, from 11 feet to 26 feet east of Funston Avenue
U. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 16th Avenue east crosswalk
V. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 29 feet west of 16th Avenue
W. Fulton Street, north side, from 20 feet to 41 feet east of 17th Avenue
X. Fulton Street, north side, from 18th Avenue to 18 feet easterly
Y. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 18th Avenue east crosswalk
Z. 18th Avenue, west side, from Fulton Street to 20 feet northerly
AA. Fulton Street, north side, from 19th Avenue to 20 feet easterly
BB. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 20th Avenue crosswalk
CC. Fulton Street, north side, from 21st Avenue to 15 feet easterly
DD. Fulton Street, north side, from 12 feet to 20 feet east of 22nd Avenue
EE. 22nd Avenue, west side, from Fulton Street to 15 feet northerly
FF. Fulton Street, north side, from 7 feet to 28 feet east of 24th Avenue
GG. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 24th Avenue east crosswalk
HH. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 29 feet west of 24th Avenue
II. Fulton Street, north side, from 13 feet to 38 feet east of 26th Avenue
JJ. Fulton Street, south side, from 19 feet to 40 feet west of 26th Avenue east crosswalk
KK. Fulton Street, north side, from 3 feet to 12 feet east of 28th Avenue
LL. Fulton Street, south side, from the west crosswalk at 28th Avenue to 22 feet easterly
MM. 28th Avenue, west side, from Fulton Street to 15 feet northerly
NN. 30th Avenue, west side, from Fulton Street to 20 feet northerly
OO. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 32nd Avenue east crosswalk
PP. Fulton Street, north side, from 12 feet to 31 feet east of 34th Avenue
QQ. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 34th Avenue east crosswalk
RR. Fulton Street, south side, from 21 feet to 23 feet west of 34th Avenue
SS. 36th Avenue, west side, from Fulton Street to 20 feet northerly
TT. Fulton Street, north side, from 12 feet to 20 feet east of 37th Avenue
UU. Fulton Street, south side, from 17 feet to 29 feet west of 37th Avenue
VV. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 38th Avenue east crosswalk
WW. Fulton Street, north side, from 29 feet to 31 feet east of 39th Avenue
XX. Fulton Street, south side, from 39th Avenue to 10 feet easterly
YY. Fulton Street, south side, from 18 feet to 40 feet west of 39th Avenue east crosswalk
ZZ. Fulton Street, south side, from 12 feet to 20 feet west of 39th Avenue
AAA. Fulton Street, north side, from 17 feet to 34 feet east of 40th Avenue
BBB. Fulton Street, south side, from the west crosswalk at 40th Avenue to 21 feet easterly
CCC. Fulton Street, south side, from 11 feet to 22 feet west of 40th Avenue
DDD. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 feet to 40 feet west of 42nd Avenue east crosswalk
EEE. Fulton Street, north side, from 20 to 30 feet east of 44th Avenue
FFF. Fulton Street, south side, from 20 to 40 feet west of the 44th Avenue east crosswalk
GGG. Fulton Street, north side, from 7 to 37 feet east of 46th Avenue
HHH. Fulton Street, south side, from 17 to 40 feet west of the 46th Avenue east crosswalk
III. Fulton Street, south side, from 15 to 22 feet west of 46th Avenue
JJJ. Fulton Street, south side, from 10 to 20 feet west of 47th Avenue
KKK. Fulton Street, south side, from La Playa to 20 feet westerly
LLL. La Playa, west side, from Fulton Street to 20 feet northerly
Fulton Street, south side, between the east crosswalk and west crosswalk at La Playa
A. Fulton Street, south side, from 7th Avenue (east edge of Golden Gate Park entrance) to 27 feet easterly
B. Fulton Street, south side, from 57 feet to 77 feet east of 7th Avenue (east edge of Golden Gate Park entrance)
C. Fulton Street, south side, from 42 feet to 64 feet west of 8th Avenue (relocation)
D. Fulton Street, south side, from 9th Avenue to 22 feet easterly
E. Fulton Street, south side, from 11th Avenue to 22 feet easterly
Fulton Street, north side, from 20 feet to 37 feet east of 37th Avenue (relocation)
10th Avenue from Cabrillo Street to Fulton Street
22nd Avenue from Cabrillo Street to Fulton Street
23rd Avenue from Cabrillo Street to Fulton Street
Fulton Street from 22nd Avenue to 23rd Avenue
(Supervisor District 1) Anna Harkman,
These proposed improvements are part of the Fulton Safety and Transit Projects which aim to improve safety and connections to Golden Gate Park for people walking and biking, and make the 5 Fulton and 5R Fulton Rapid buses more reliable between Arguello and Park Presidio.
The following items have been environmentally cleared by the Planning Department on October 18, 2015, Case 2015-005492ENV:
Fillmore Street at Jefferson Street – Bike Share Station
Fillmore Street, east side along median, from Jefferson Street to 53 feet southerly
(bike share station in angled parking stalls)
(Supervisor District 2) Laura Stonehill,
Proposing a Bay Wheels bike share station in the angled parking lane along the median on Fillmore Street.
Items denoted with an asterisk ( ) can be given approval by the City Traffic Engineer after the public hearing. Otherwise, the SFMTA Board will make the final approval at a later date based on the outcome at the public hearing.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Appeal Rights under Chapter 31 of the San Francisco Administrative Code: For Approval Actions, the Planning Department has issued a CEQA exemption determination or negative declaration, which may be viewed online at Following approval of the item by the SFMTA City Traffic Engineer, the CEQA determination is subject to appeal within the time frame specified in S.F. Administrative Code Section 31.16, typically within 30 calendar days of the Approval Action. For information on filing a CEQA appeal, contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102, or call (415) 554-5184. Under CEQA, in a later court challenge, a litigant may be limited to raising only those issues previously raised at a hearing on the project or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors or other City board, commission or department at, or prior to, such hearing, or as part of the appeal hearing process on the CEQA decision.
Whether the City Traffic Engineer’s decision is considered a Final SFMTA Decision is determined by Division II, Section 203 of the Transportation Code. If the City Traffic Engineer approves a parking or traffic modification, this decision is considered a Final SFMTA Decision. If a City Traffic Engineer disapproves a parking or traffic modification and a member of the public requests SFMTA review of that decision, the additional review shall be conducted pursuant to Division II, Section 203 of the Transportation Code. City Traffic Engineer decisions will be posted on by 5 p.m. on the Friday following the public hearing. Final SFMTA Decisions involving certain parking or traffic modifications, whether made by the City Traffic Engineer or the SFMTA Board, can be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Ordinance 127-18. Information about the review process can be found at:
Approved for Public Hearing by:
Ricardo Olea
City Traffic Engineer
Sustainable Streets Division
cc: Debbie Borthne, SFMTA Parking and Enforcement
James Lee, SFMTA Parking and Enforcement
Matt Lee, SFMTA Service Planning
ISSUE DATE: 7/2/20