Church and Market Street Intersection Improvements

UPDATE: We partnered with local merchants, neighbors and Public Works to design a new plaza that will better service the neighborhood at this key transit hub, creating a lively new gathering space and an improved transit boarding experience. You can view the design concepts by clicking here.

Full construction of this permanent plaza is anticipated to begin in mid-2026. The final design concepts may undergo some refinements as the project proceeds through the detailed design phase – which will involve coordination with and input from the San Francisco Public Works and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. These permanent improvements will not change the existing parking or traffic configuration.

For information about other J Church related projects, please see the timeline for capital and service improvement projects along the line. 

導言 (Project Introduction)

The intersection of Church and Market streets has long been one of the most important hubs in the Muni system, with eight Muni lines intersecting within a block. Over 14,000 Muni riders got on or off a bus or train on the street at this bustling neighborhood transit center every day before the pandemic.

We’re partnering with local merchants, neighbors and Public Works to design a new plaza that will better serve the neighborhood at this key hub, creating a lively new gathering space and enhanced transit boarding experience. This project will take inspiration from successful streetscape improvements at other transit hubs in the city, such as the Inner Sunset Streetscape Improvement Project and the California Laurel Village Improvement Project.

Bus Routes and Rail Lines

Project goals:

  • Enhance the streetscape environment for transit riders, residents and visitors to Church and Market
  • Support small businesses and create a vibrant public space
  • Expand access to the J Church for people with disabilities
  • Improve safety for people walking near Church and Market streets

What we’re planning to do:

  • Upgrade the existing temporary transit boarding area in partnership with local merchants to a neighborhood-serving plaza with high quality landscaping, seating, art and amenities
  • Upgrade the transit boarding platform and wheelchair-accessible platform with permanent materials
  • Remove the existing outbound boarding island north of Market Street and expand the existing sidewalk at this corner to provide more space for people walking, and potentially for outdoor dining
  • Build a wheelchair-accessible platform on the existing inbound J Church boarding island at Church and Duboce to provide increased accessibility and service flexibility

Project Background

To improve wheelchair accessibility and the transfer experience from surface transit to the subway, the outbound J Church stop at Church and Market streets was moved to the south side of Market Street and a temporary, accessible wooden platform was built in late 2020. After extensive public outreach and a public survey about the accessibility changes in mid-2021, the SFMTA Board approved moving the stop to the south side of Market Street on a permanent basis in December 2021.

Since then, we’ve embarked on a process to upgrade these temporary improvements into a high-quality transit and pedestrian plaza, with input from merchants, residents and riders. These improvements will not affect the routing of the J Church line.


  • Late 2020: Temporary transit stop improvements built at the stop
  • December 2021: SFMTA Board approval for permanently keeping this stop on the south side of the Church and Market intersection and associated changes to parking and traffic
  • Late 2022 to Summer 2023: Outreach to merchants about permanent improvements at the intersection
  • July 2023: SFMTA Board action on southbound right turn restriction from Market Street to Church Street
    • Please note: commercial vehicles, taxis and local residents would still be able to access southbound Church Street, but would do so via Church Street north of Market Street
  • Late Summer 2023: SFMTA and Public Works develop detailed proposals for plaza based on community feedback. 
  • Late Summer 2023: Final design presented to the community
  • 2025: Full construction of permanent plaza anticipated

Related projects

In addition to making improvements at Church and Market streets, we’re soon making improvements to other segments of the J Church line on Church Street in Noe Valley and on San Jose Avenue. 

To stay up to date on the project, sign up for project updates. You may also provide feedback by contacting us using the information listed below.

聯繫資料 (Contact Information)
Jessica Kuo, Project Manager
Nick Veronin, Public Information Officer