Project Update 06/11/2021: The project is now substantially complete! A minor number of items are still in progress, but they are expected to be completed soon. This project was approved at the SFMTA Board Meeting on June 15, 2021.
項目時間表 (Project Timeline)
項目狀態 (Project Status)
- Planning
- 環境評估 (Environmental Review)
- 精巧設計 (Detailed Design)
改善 (Improvements)
Bicycle Improvements
街坊 (Neighborhoods)
Anza Street
Project Details
The project elements being considered by SFMTA Board of Directors include:
- Bike lanes or bikeways (sharrows) in both directions to provide dedicated space for people riding bikes
- Narrow vehicle lanes to 10 feet to encourage slower driving speeds
- Traffic lane reduction between Arguello Boulevard and Parker Avenue to redistribute roadway space to all road users
- Speed cushions to slow traffic between Blake Street and Wood Street
- High visibility continental crosswalks at 23 intersections
- Advance limit lines at all signalized intersections
聯繫資料 (Contact Information)