Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting June 27, 2019 Approved Minutes -Document

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Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

June 27, 2019, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm

UCSF Mission Hall, 550 16th Street, Room 2100



Advisory Committee Seat

Voting Member


Seat 1 (Golden State Warriors)

Michael Rescigno

Yoyo Chan

Seat 2 (UCSF)

Amit Kothari

Clare Shinnerl

Seat 3 (Neighborhood resident)

Bruce Agid

Bruce Kin Huie

Seat 4 (Neighborhood business owner)

Catherine Sharpe

Terezia Nemeth

Seat 5 (Neighborhood resident)

Sarah Davis

Sarah Bertram

Members of the Public

Pamela Lewis

Mission Bay Maintenance Corporation

Manoj Madhavan

Golden State Warriors

Arleen Bandarrae

UCSF, Transportation

Morgan Vaisset-Fauvel

UCSF, Facilities

City Staff

Oscar Quintanilla


Tom Smith

SF PW, Operations & Dispatch Manager

Peter Lau

SF PW -Superintendent

Kenny Bruce

SF PW- Zone Program Manager


Kim Walton

Senior Transportation Planner; Staff Liaison

Kristin Michael

Lead Planner, Land Use and Development Transportation Integration


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call – Bruce Agid, Chairperson

Voting Members in attendance: Rescigno, Agid; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis

Excused Absences: None

Alternates in attendance: Chan

Alternates not in attendance: Nemeth; Shinnerl; Huie; Bertram


  1. Approve minutes of May 14, 2019 meeting


The motion was made by Sarah Davis to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2019 meeting and was seconded by Michael Rescigno.


Public comments – None

Committee member comments – Bruce Agid provided the following changes:


  • Page 4: under Section 3 – Advisory Committee Input and Recommendations: Add to the Motion the following sentence “The Committee unanimously approves the request, contingent with the commitment that the $470,000 is set aside during FY 2019 to address potential needs following the Center’s Opening.”

The Committee approved this language contingent on the approval of the Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund budget recommendations.



On the motion to approve the May 14, 2019 minutes with changes as previously noted.

AYES –Agid, Kothari, Davis, Rescigno, Sharpe



Approve minutes of May 23, 2019 meeting


The motion was made by Amit Kothari to approve the minutes of the May 23, 2019 meeting and was seconded by Michael Rescigno.


Public comments – None


Committee member comments – Bruce Agid provided the following changes:

  • Item #4 – remove the comment “is this the date. My understanding is it had to be sent by noon on 5/15/19).

  • Item #5 – add the word “they” to the 6th sentence which will now read as “In addition, it is key that they are coordinated.”


  1. Old Business


  • Committee Rules


    The City Attorney informed the SFMTA that unfortunately due to his heavy work load and a priority project, he has been unable to review the draft sent.


  • Metrics


    Committee members discussed what information in terms of baseline data currently exists from the Police, Parks, and Public Work departments. The information collected would assist the Committee with determining if there are appropriate streets and sanitation services being provided to the area around the Center. The information will also be used to help determine future funding requests from City departments/agencies. Bruce Agid and Michael Rescigno volunteered to form a working group that would focus on developing a list of metrics to be collected and provided to the Advisory Committee.


A motion was made by Bruce Agid that a small working group of two Advisory Committee members (Bruce Agid and Michael Rescigno) and one representative from each City Department be established to focus on creation of an executive dashboard to be brought back to the Committee for review and approval at the July 24, 2019 meeting. The motion was seconded by Amit Kothari.


Advisory Committee members comments/discussion – None

Public Comment – None


On the motion to establish a small working group consisting of two Advisory Committee members and one representative from each City Department be established to focus on creation of an executive dashboard to be brought back to the Committee for review and approval at the July 24, 2019 meeting.


AYES: Rescigno, Agid; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis



Motion passed.


  1. Readiness Follow Up -


Kristin Michael provided the Committee with information on the various groups and meetings that have been taking place about the Chase Center. Highlights of these efforts are:

  • Paul Supawanich, Mayor’s Office and Brook Mebrahtu, SF Public Works have formed two groups of staff from various City departments/agencies. These groups ensure that they are coordinating efforts while also focusing on completing infrastructure projects.

  • Table top exercises have taken place to work out SFMTA operations approach through a variety of challenges.

  • In August, there will be a “dry run” to test SFMTA (and possibly other agencies) operations.

    1. and GSW will continue to provide overview presentations to community groups and organizations.
  1. Finalize Motion of the Contingent Approval of the MB TIF AC Budget for FY 2019-2020

A motion was made by Bruce Agid to approve the Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee budget for FY 2019-2020. The Motion was seconded by Sarah Davis.

On the motion to finalize and approve the Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee budget for FY 2019-2020.


Advisory Committee comments/discussion: None

Public Comment: None


AYES: Rescigno, Agid; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis



Motion passed


  1. Deep Dive – Baseline and augmented services planned by SF Public Works


SF Public Works provided information regarding what services they will provide once the Chase Center opens which includes maintaining the public right of way (curb to curb) including Muni Metro platform. SF Public Works will consider augmenting service if it is warranted. In addition to SF Public Works others responsible for maintaining the “public realm” are:

  • The Mission Bay Maintenance Corporation -is contracted by the City’s Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) Agency to clean Mission Bay sidewalks and maintain sidewalk trees.

  • Recology San Francisco – is contracted to empty city trash cans and dumpsters.

  • Port of San Francisco -maintains small parcels/piers adjacent to Mission Rock

    The SFMTA will work with SF Public Works to collect baseline data from all providers of services in Mission Bay around the Center to help assess if additional funding is required. The Committee also expressed concern that there seemed to be a lack of coordination from the City agencies/departments surrounding streets and sanitation services. SFMTA staff will research what steps would need to take place to provide funding to non-city properties, such as Mission Bay Parks.

    1. Discuss agenda & date for July meeting and Agenda for August meeting


    July 25, 2019 Meeting Agenda

  • Roberta Boomer, Secretary, SFMTA Board of Directors – Brown Act

  • Golden State Warriors – Parking Operations Plan and Transportation Demand Management Plan

  • Paul Supawanich – Chase Center Coordination Efforts


    August 22, 2019 Meeting Agenda

  • Chase Center Area Security - SFMTA Enforcement; Chase Center Security

  • Paul Supawanich – Chase Center Coordination Efforts

  • Update on Metrics


    1. Advisory Committee Member comments and Future Agenda Item


  • Kim Walton, Staff Liaison will contact City Hall regarding the swearing in of Advisory Committee members.

  • Amit Kothari mentioned a new SFMTA Enforcement Plan and was concerned that UCSF that it was different than what is in the adopted Local Hospital Access Plan (LHAP).

  • Concerns were expressed about the closing of the Third Street Bridge and the impact on residents and Chase Center events.

The motion was made by Catherine Sharpe to adjourn and was seconded by Sarah Davis.


On the motion to adjourn the June 27, 2019 meeting

AYES –Agid, Kothari, Davis, Rescigno, Sharpe



Motion Passed


Meeting adjourned at 4:31 pm