Share Your Vision for the Future of Transportation in SF

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

rendering of the future Muni Chinatown Station

We’re keeping the future in focus by building the Central Subway, including the future Chinatown Station, shown here.

When we at the SFMTA think about the future, here’s what we envision:

We’re hard at work every day to turn these transportation dreams into transportation realities. In the past year we’ve made a lot of progress, from enhanced Muni service to hundreds of street safety improvements to new, modern parking meters citywide. Our 2015 Annual Report, Future in Focus, published today, tells the tale of what we’re doing to make it safer and easier to get around.

Now we want to hear from you. How can we make a difference in your travels around San Francisco? What do you think we should focus on as we look months, years and decades ahead into the future of this growing city?

Take our survey to share your vision for a transportation future in focus, and share your thoughts below to get a conversation going. 

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