5th Street Improvement Project

導言 (Project Introduction)

The 5th Street Improvement Project improves safety along the corridor for those who walk, bike, and drive in the neighborhood.

The 5th Street Project is separated into two phases of work- the 5th Street Quick Build Project (completed in 2020) and the long-term 5th Street Improvement Project. The Quick Build Project phase installed time and cost efficient, short-term upgrades to improve comfort and safety for people on bikes, walking, or driving. The 5th Street Improvement Project will invest in permanent and significant upgrades to build upon the Quick Build Project’s treatments.

改善 (Improvements)
Upgraded Bicycle Facilities
Transit Stop Improvements
Pedestrian Safety Treatments
SFMTA Drive and Parking icon
Improved Parking and Loading Zones

Project Information

5th Street is a north-south arterial road in SoMa that connects cars to the Bay Bridge and I-80. The road was designed to carry a lot of fast-moving vehicle and truck traffic in and out of San Francisco, making it an uncomfortable experience to walk, bike, or drive on the road. Wide and vehicle heavy roads, built for warehousing and industry, clashes with today’s transportation investments and don’t match with the transportation needs of people who live there.

The Project road has seen significant investments in housing and economic development on the corridor and nearby. Projects like 5M and upcoming projects like the Flower Mart are bringing thousands of new residents and jobs to SoMa. The 5th Street Improvement Project will help lessen the impact of new residents and workers traveling in and out of SoMa. The Project will also be helpful to long-standing residents as well. A lot of older adults and people with disabilities who live near the Project area will benefit the most from an improved and safer mobility experience.

5th Street is part of San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network, where 13 percent of San Francisco's streets endure 75 percent of the total severe and fatal traffic collisions. Between January 2015 and December 2019, there were 10 severe crashes on 5th Street. The 5th Street Improvement Project will make the road safer for all roadway users and help the City meet its Vision Zero goal of eliminating traffic fatalities.

The project will make it easier to walk, bike, or roll to nearby transit services like Muni buses, Muni Metro, and BART. It will also be an important road to connect people on bikes to east-west travelling bikeways. Making 5th Street a safe place for people driving, walking, or riding their bike will transform the corridor into an inviting, livable place for all users while meeting the transportation demands in this increasingly dynamic neighborhood.

The Project completed the near-term Quick Build phase after an extensive public engagement phase. Quick Build treatments were completed in 2020. The long-term 5th Street Improvement Project will complete its detailed design phase in Early 2027. Construction will begin once funding is secured. 

The project elements per phase include:

5th Street Quick Build Project (near-term, completed in 2020):

  • Paint-buffered bikeways to improve the safety and comfort of cyclists for the entire length of the corridor
  • Leading Pedestrian Intervals- head start for pedestrians when crossing the street
  • Pedestrian safety striping treatments, especially at high injury intersections, to improve the safety and visibility of pedestrians crossing streets
  • Signal timing improvements including separated bike signals at key intersections 
  • Transit boarding islands to increase reliability of transit services and comfort for waiting passengers 

5th Street Improvement Project (long-term):

  • Sidewalk bulb-outs/extensions at key intersection corners, such as at I-80 Freeway on- and off-ramps
  • New traffic signals and signal upgrades at existing signals corridor-wide
  • Mid-block crosswalks
  • Raised crosswalks at alleyways
  • Upgrading painted buffers on bikeways into concrete separated bikeways
  • Protected intersection at 5th Street and Brannan Street
  • Slip lane closure at 5th and Mission Streets

Project Goals

  • Balance safety and reliability improvements for all forms of transportation on 5th Street.
  • Address the future transportation demands of additional residential and commercial development in the SoMa neighborhood.
  • Make 5th Street a more livable and inviting place for all users.

Project Timeline

Fall 2017

  • Develop and evaluate conceptual design alternatives
  • Stakeholder Interviews

Winter 2018 – Spring 2019

  • Open House #1 in January 2018
  • Refine conceptual design alternatives
  • Stakeholder Workshop in November 2018
  • Develop final conceptual design
  • Open House #2 in April 2019
  • Community office hours in April 2019

Spring 2019 – Summer 2019

  • Environmental clearance
  • Legislation/approvals

Fall 2019 - Winter 2021

  • Construction (quick-build improvements)

Summer 2022 - Fall 2023

  • Construction of curb ramps and transit boarding islands

Fall 2024 - Early 2027

  • Detailed design (long-term improvements)

Construction for the long-term 5th Street Improvement Project begins once funding is secured.

BART logo
San Francisco County Transportation Authority logo
Vision Zero SF logo
聯繫資料 (Contact Information)
5th Street Project Team