L Taraval Improvement Forecast and Project Segment B Update - June 17 - 29, 2024

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L Taraval Improvement Project
Segment B Update – June 17 - 29, 2024

The most disruptive work, including sewer, water, rail lines, new streetbase and repaving the entire corridor has been completed. Construction continues with installing boarding islands with accessible curb ramps, handrails and pavers and landscaping. Curve track replacement work at 46th Avenue was completed June 4, 2024, ahead of schedule. The next phase of the project includes: energizing and testing the OCS lines, testing trains, completing installation of boarding islands, landscaping, artwork and safety features. 

Work to replace the Overhead Contact System (OCS) that powers the trains is complete. Workers are preparing the area for re-energizing overhead lines, ground conduits and infrastructure to accommodate testing of the trains. If you are driving or working in the area, please stay alert as we prepare and initiate preliminary train testing. 

To ensure the safety of the public, a permit is required for any contractors that are planning to work within 10 feet of the overhead wires. Please reach out to the project team with any questions: LTaravalProject@SFMTA.com or 415.646.2379

General construction hours are Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Construction schedules are subject to change. “No Parking” signs will be posted in construction and staging areas. Construction teams may be excavating and jackhammering pavement, which may cause vibrations. Dust control and housekeeping measures are in place at active construction and staging locations.

Construction Forecast

Train Testing (anticipated)

Testing is planned to be performed between 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. along the L Taraval route. 

  • 6/25/24 to 6/28/24: Mock test train for OCS adjustments. To accommodate traffic flow of buses and vehicles around test trains in the curved track areas, parking will be restricted on both sides of the street on 15th Ave between Taraval and Ulloa streets, and Ulloa between Forest Side and Lenox streets
  • 7/8/24 to 7/12/24: Operational LRV train testing 

Taraval Street

  • 15th Avenue: Preparation for planting, tree and stump removal
  • 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 28th, 30th avenues: Traffic signal installation, boarding islands, prepare and paint railings, crosswalk striping
  • 22nd, 23rd, 26th, 30th, 32nd, 36th avenues: Install thermos crosswalk, crosswalk striping
  • 21st to 22nd; 22nd to 24th; 35th to 36th avenues: Boarding island pavers


  • Forest side to 15th Avenue: Preparation for planting new trees, removing unhealthy/unstable trees

Temporary staging locations

  • No active staging locations

Bus Relocations
Present – Fall 2024

L Taraval / L Special / L Owl - Inbound

  • Taraval Street and 15th Avenue has been relocated to the southeast side of the intersection until fall 2024.         

Visit SFMTA.com/TempStopMap for a map of temporary bus stop relocations citywide.


Multiple city agencies are performing infrastructure work in the area, including Public Works on 19th Avenue, Public Utilities Commission at Vicente and Wawona streets and PG&E along Taraval Street.

Learn more about the L Taraval Improvement Project at our website.

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