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Vis Valley & Portola CBTP: What We Heard, What We’re Doing

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Phase 2 Outreach Summary 

From May to August 2022, the SFMTA Visitacion Valley & Portola Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) staff conducted the second phase of community outreach to develop specific project proposals, based on community input, that will be included in the Plan. Using residents’ input from our first round of outreach in the winter of 2022, staff developed a series of projects throughout Portola and Visitacion Valley that directly respond to the priorities, needs and challenges the local community shared with us. We brought those projects back to the community this summer to get input on what we got right, what we got wrong, and what was missing. For all the details on our second phase of outreach read our Phase 2 Outreach Report

The project team participated in 16 different community events across the Portola and Visitacion Valley neighborhoods, including: 

  • Twelve tabling events with multilingual staff and materials, including: Bloom Shaboom, the Portola Brunch-Hop, Family Day at McLaren Park and pop-ups throughout the area 

  • Three multilingual community workshops with our partners River of Life Church and Family Connection Center  

We reached over 1,000 residents at our in-person events. We collected almost 300 surveys in four languages, both online and on-paper, from community members, as well as over 250 written comments. Survey responses reflect of the deep diversity of Portola and Visitacion Valley:  

  • 74% of surveys were completed by residents of color 

  • Almost half of survey respondents indicated household income under $50,000

Community members providing their feedback at an in-person event

What We Heard During Phase 2 

Overall, residents expressed support for all the projects we propose to include in the Plan. The projects with the most support include: 

  • Improving pedestrian access to the north side of McLaren Park 

  • Improving Muni access on San Bruno Avenue 

  • Making the median on Mansell Street more accessible for pedestrians 

  • Connecting the Visitacion Valley Greenway with new crosswalks

Community members at a multilingual community workshop

What We’re Doing with Phase 2 Feedback 

We are using all the feedback provided by residents to modify and improve and refine the projects proposed during Phase 2.  

In Phase 3 – our final phase of planning and outreach – coming this fall/winter, we’ll bring our Draft Plan to the community and ask residents to prioritize which projects should get funded and built first.