Pedestrian Safety Task Force

Success of the City's Pedestrian Strategy will come from stakeholder buy-in and collaboration citywide. Task Force meetings will provide a platform for: information exchange; support, including promotion of the goals and implementation of the Strategy; and accountability.  To that end, the Task Force will:

  • Be a standing city staff and stakeholder meeting held twice a year and open to the public;
  • Feature Steering Committee updates to the entire Task Force on the status of the implementation of the Strategy citywide, along High Injury Corridors and/or in specific supervisorial districts;
  • Be another forum for Non-Steering Committee agencies and other stakeholders to share pedestrian-related work;
  • Request stakeholder support for implementation of Pedestrian Strategy actions; and
  • Keep the city accountable to their commitments to deliver on the Strategy
Committee Members
  • SF Municipal Transportation Agency
  • SF Department of Public Health
  • SF Police Department
  • SF Department of Public Works
  • SF Planning
  • SF County Transportation Authority
  • Capital Planning Program
  • Mayor’s Office
  • Controller’s Office
  • SF Unified School District
  • Mayor’s Office of Disability
  • District Attorney’s Office
  • SF Fire Department
  • SF Public Utilities Commission
  • SF Environment
  • SF General Hospital and Trauma Center
  • Port Authority
  • Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure
  • Mayor’s Office of Economic and Workforce Dev.
  • SF Recreation and Park
  • District Supervisors
  • Walk San Francisco
  • Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee
  • California WALKS
  • Senior Action Network
  • Chinatown CDC
  • Excelsior Action Group
  • Central City SRO Collaborative
  • TODCO Group
  • Agency CACs
  • Other Interested Parties – Open to the Public
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