Transportation 2050


The future of Muni is at stake, drastic cuts could be coming as the agency is looking at a budget deficit of some 200 plus million dollars by 2026. We are exploring potential new revenue sources to help us update and repair our outdated infrastructure and to maintain and even improve service.

You may be asking, “What can I do to help?” Well, ride Muni! Jump on board for a night on the town, go shopping and run some errands, use it to get to school or work. Muni gives you access to all of the City.

There are discounts for seniors and people with disabilities and youth ride for free. San Franciscans, your City needs you. Join us in keeping Muni a vital part of San Francisco for the next 100 years. 

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Giới thiệu Dự án (Project Introduction)

Public transportation is a vital part of a thriving and equitable community and economy. In these truly unprecedented times, the SFMTA has managed San Francisco’s transportation system in a way to sustain critical transit service, deliver needed street improvements, preserve jobs and buy time for our revenues to recover. As San Franciscans recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Muni service and bike and pedestrian safety are essential to ensuring everyone in the city can access jobs and get where they need to go easily, regardless of their income or neighborhood. 

We are planning for a future transportation system to deliver the kind of reliable and safe transit service San Franciscans tell us they want, address changes in travel patterns and demographics, improve safety, and right the wrongs of inequitable service and long-delayed infrastructure repairs. Transportation 2050 (T2050) is an effort to layout multiple possible paths to help direct the future of public transportation in San Francisco.

Community-Driven Vision

The Transportation 2050 effort is based on transportation needs and priorities identified by the community over the last eight years through two Mayoral transportation task forces (T2030 and T2045) with additional input from the city’s Muni Reliability Working Group in 2020. Transportation 2050 evaluates the resources needed to achieve the community’s vision for transportation developed through the city’s ConnectSF planning process, as well as infrastructure needs identified in the SFMTA’s 20-Year Capital Plan.

However, over the last twenty years the demands on San Francisco’s transportation system have increased while revenues haven’t kept up. We are $50 billion short of achieving the community’s vision for transportation over the next 30 years. How did we get here? San Francisco has grown. Transportation has changed. But our financial structures have not.

Current federal relief is one-time funding that only keeps SFMTA afloat in the near term - through 2022. Transportation 2050 looks at our past and charts out our future. It evaluates additional sources of funding that could reduce the ongoing budget shortfall and put the SFMTA on the path to firmer financial footing for the future.

With limited funds, the SFMTA gathered additional community input through a 2021 citywide Community Survey to ensure the transportation choices we’re making reflect the community’s priorities. Top community priorities include: 

  • Making our service equitable 
  • Making Muni run well with quick convenient access to all parts of San Francisco
  • Repairing and maintaining Muni equipment and facilities
  • Improving service for communities most dependent on transit
  • Ensuring that trips to all destinations work well

Investing​ Equitably​, Fast and​ Convenient Transit​, More Repairs and Maintenance​, Improving Safety​ and Access​

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