Golden Gate Avenue Quick-Build

Construction is substantially complete on Golden Gate Avenue! 

Giới thiệu Dự án (Project Introduction)

Stemmed from the community’s demand for increased investment and broader solutions for traffic safety in the Tenderloin neighborhood, the SFMTA has committed to two 2020 quick-build projects in the neighborhood on Leavenworth Street and Golden Gate Avenue, with further community discussion on future potential quick-builds on Hyde, Larkin, and Jones streets.

The Golden Gate Avenue Quick-Build project aims to improve comfort and safety for those walking and biking along Golden Gate Avenue. We installed quick and reversible traffic safety improvements that prioritize active transportation modes such as lane reductions, safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and curb management. The final design was guided by extensive outreach to the Tenderloin community to understand curb usage and context-specific traffic safety needs.

Considering proximity, the Golden Gate Quick-Build project team conducted outreach in tandem with the Leavenworth Quick-Build Project. This helped coordinate discussions around traffic safety issues and loading needs for this stretch of the corridor.

Quick-build projects are intended to include low-cost materials, such as paint and posts to make impact safety improvements that can be installed by city crews at a much faster rate. As part of the citywide Vision Zero Quick-Build policy, all quick-build projects undergo a thorough evaluation through our Safe Streets Evaluation Program within the initial 24 months of construction. The Safe Streets Evaluation Program analyzes the project before and after implementation to review outcomes and determine design effectiveness. Evaluations inform near-term modifications and potential long-term designs. This provides opportunities to make iterative tweaks to project design to ensure that safety improvements work better for all who travel on the corridor.

Project Timeline
Fall 2020
Planning/Community Outreach
Early 2021
Public Hearing
Tình Trạng Dự Án (Project Status)
  1. Completed
Giai Đoạn Hiên Tại (Current Phase or Stage)
Project is substantially complete. The 100 block of Golden Gate Ave installation is pending ongoing development happening on that block.
Các Khu Phố (Neighborhoods)

On April 16, 2021, the project was approved at a virtual public hearing. Based on the community comments from the virtual open house and public hearing, the project team will be pursuing the proposed design that includes safety improvements such as: 

  • A protected bikeway from Polk to Market streets
  • Active flex space for local businesses and organizations to utilize
  • Reallocating curb space for residents’ and businesses’ parking and loading needs

A detailed block-by-block illustration of the proposal is available and also located in the "Reports and Documents" section of this project webpage.  

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Thông Tin Liên Hệ (Contact Information)