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Muni Service Changes: June 15, 2019

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Service Affected
Weekend Traffic and Transit Advisory

Starting Saturday, June 15, 2019, Muni will make minor changes to stops, pilot a new routing for an express service and extend an owl route. Read below for more information.

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L Owl

Map of the L Owl extension along The Embarcadero to Fisherman's Wharf

The L Owl route is extended to serve stops along the Embarcadero, terminating at Fisherman's Wharf.

The following stops will not be served:

  • Market & Beale
  • Spear & Market
  • Steuart & Mission

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25 Treasure Island

The 25 Treasure Island will see some nighttime service improvements.

Service will begin to run every 20 minutes or less until 1 a.m. The Owl bus to Treasure Island will run every 30 minutes.

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30X Marina Express

Map of summer pilot route for the inbound 30X Marina Express

The 30x Marina Express will pilot a new route during summer 2019. This change is to address delays downtown near Bush & Sansome in the mornings. The pilot inbound route will be as follows: from southbound Sansome, left on California, right on Davis, cross Market to Beale and continue along the regular route.

Stop Changes During Pilot Program
Stop ID Summary of Change
Bush & Battery 17188 No 30X service.
California & Battery 13851 New 30X stop.
Davis & Pine 14347 New 30X stop.

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57 Parkmerced

Minor changes to where the route terminates. No changes to stop locations.

Stop ID Summary of Change
Sloat & 37th Ave  16444 No longer the last outbound stop.
Sloat & 36th Ave
(south side of Sloat)
16443 New last outbound stop.
Drop off only.
Sloat & 36th Ave
(north side of Sloat)
16442 New layover stop.
New first inbound stop.

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We will update Route and Stop pages on the website on Friday, June 14.
