Historic Presidential Commission Car Rehabilitations and Upgrades

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Project Timeline
Summer 2015
Construction: Summer 2015 - Summer 2021
Tình Trạng Dự Án (Project Status)
  1. Current
Giai Đoạn Hiên Tại (Current Phase or Stage)
Thời Gian Hoàn Tất Dự Đoán (Predicted Completion)
Summer 2021
Cải Tiến (Improvements)
Muni Metro train
Improve historic streetcar service
Bus Routes and Rail Lines

The Plan

The historic streetcar fleet consists of a beloved collection of electric Presidential Commission Cars (PCCs), Milan vehicles, and Vintage vehicles from the U.S. and around the world. Due to the historic nature of these vehicles, they cannot simply be replaced by newer models. Instead, the SFMTA must rehabilitate them to like-new condition. Our agency is dedicated to rehabilitating and preserving the historic streetcar fleet because it is both a zero-emissions means of exploring San Francisco and an iconic symbol of the city itself.

Over 2015 and 2021 the SFMTA will rehabilitate 16 Presidential Commission Cars. PCCs are the highly celebrated vehicles most frequently spotted running on the F-line. The rehabilitation of these vehicles includes performing body work, upgrading electrical and mechanical systems, and ensuring systems meet CPUC and ADA requirements. These upgrades will directly enhance system accessibility for seniors and persons with disabilities. The like-new and improved PCCs will not only be more reliable, but also safer, and more comfortable for our operators and passengers.

Environmental Benefits

For almost 85 years Muni has continuously operated a network of vehicles, including historic streetcars, that run on 100% greenhouse gas-free Hetch Hetchy hydroelectric power. Our zero-emissions historic streetcar fleet helped the City meet its 2017 San Francisco Climate Action Strategy goals. Rehabilitating our PCCs will play a key role in meeting the City’s future environmental goals by improving historic streetcar service and growing ridership on the greenest transportation system in North America.

Additionally, rehabilitating the PCCs is in line with the City’s voter-approved Transit-First Policy established in 1973. The policy prioritizes public transit, bicycling, and walking on SF Streets as an economically and environmentally preferable alternative to transportation by individual automobiles. By providing safe, reliable, rapid, and environmentally sustainable transit service, this project will support our city’s economic and population growth while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption.


Thông Tin Liên Hệ (Contact Information)
Joseph Flores