6th Street Pedestrian Safety Project Streetscape Open House Mailer & Poster

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Join us for an open house!

6th Street sees more pedestrian collisions than any other street in San Francisco. This project will create a safe and inviting place for people to walk, bike, and drive by transforming 6th Street with wider sidewalks, more visible crosswalks, new traffic signals, and streetscape improvements, including pedestrian lighting. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco Public Works are hosting an open house to showcase the Final Proposed Design of streetscape amenities and pedestrian safety improvements. Please drop by anytime between 6:30pm to 8pm on Wednesday, June 27th to talk to the project team and learn about the project!

To request translation or accessibility accommodations, please contact Shayda Haghgoo by phone at (415) 646-2673 or by email at Shayda.Haghgoo@sfmta.com 72 hours prior to the open house.

For more about the project, please visit: sfmta.com/6thStreet

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