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Laurel Heights/Jordan Park Traffic Calming Project Update - February 1, 2018

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Thank you for your interest in this project. The intent of this update is to provide information on the upcoming evaluations and next steps with regard to the newly installed traffic circles at Euclid and Parker avenues and Euclid and Collins avenues.

We appreciate all the community feedback we received over the past several days regarding the traffic circles. Based off of this feedback, we found three primary common themes about the traffic circle operations, including:

  1. Confusion about whether drivers must stop or yield when approaching the circles
  2. Concern that vehicles drive or stop (encroach) into the crosswalks when navigating the circles
  3. A lack of compliance with the pedestrian right-of-way

The SFMTA is initiating a formal evaluation of the operation of the traffic circles. A video survey in upcoming weeks will be conducted to assist in the evaluation, which will identify key issues with the operation of the traffic circles. This video evaluation will supplement field observations that were taken over the past week. Below is some additional information to clarify the concerns mentioned above and next steps.

All-Way Stop Controlled Intersection – Stop before Entering the Crosswalk

These two intersections continue to maintain all-way stop control, which means you must stop prior the crosswalk before entering the traffic circle. Stop signs and markings are present and fully visible on each of the approaches to the intersections and as is the case at all stop signs, drivers are required to come to a complete stop in advance of the crosswalks.

Next Steps

  • The SFMTA will add “stop bars” in advance of the crosswalks to further emphasize the stop control at the intersections;
  • The stop signs and “stop” pavement markings are clearly visible in every direction at both intersections. If the evaluation reveals a pattern of driver behavior that we believe could be mitigated by additional signage, we will consider installing “Stop Ahead” advisory signs in advance of the intersections for additional clarity;
  • In the meantime SFPD enforcement will be requested to enforce stop sign compliance

Crosswalk Encroachment

The traffic circles were designed so that passenger vehicles can navigate the circles without encroaching into the crosswalks at speeds of 15 to 20mph. Recent field observations at the intersection of Euclid and Parker avenues confirm that at these speeds, vehicles are able to navigate the circles without driving into the crosswalks.

Next Steps

  • The SFMTA may consider some modifications pending the results from the video and additional truck turning analyses, such as:
    • Construction of concrete islands to separate the travel lane from the crosswalks
    • Crosswalks may be narrowed to be positioned further from the travel lane

Pedestrian Right-of-Way – Yield for Pedestrians

In California pedestrians have the right-of-way in crosswalks. Drivers must always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Therefore, please be sure to yield to pedestrian when entering and exiting the traffic circle. Drivers should maintain awareness of pedestrians in crosswalks at all times. The traffic circles are low enough to not restrict visibility of pedestrians.

Next Steps

  • The previously mentioned video survey will be reviewed for compliance issues with the pedestrian right-of-way
  • ‘Yield to Pedestrian’ signs may be installed at the approaches to each of the crosswalks pending the result of additional truck turning analysis
  • SFPD enforcement will be requested to enforce this compliance
  • Crosswalks may be narrowed to be positioned further from the travel lane

The SFMTA understands that the newly installed traffic circles represent a change to how people travel through your neighborhood. With that in mind, below are some additional suggestions that may help make your travel a more comfortable experience:

  • The intent of the project is to improve safety of the street by encouraging slower speeds and greater compliance with the road rules. While we are committed to making updates and changes to the design based on your input, we also want to remind those that drive through your community to please slow down. Euclid Avenue has been engineered for slower speeds so please drive through your community accordingly.
  • Please use your turn signals when navigating through the circles. This will make vehicular movements through the intersection more predictable and make the experience of your fellow neighbor more comfortable as they navigate through the intersection in car or on foot.
  • For several years both the Laurel Heights and Jordan Park Improvement Associations have been strongly advocating for this traffic calming project to both the SFMTA and Supervisor Farrell’s office. We encourage you to get involved with these and other established groups in your neighborhood to help shape the priorities of your community.

For more information about this project, including related updates, please visit: