UCSF Mission Bay Platform Upgrade

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Giới thiệu Dự án (Project Introduction)

In anticipation of the new Chase Center and the growth in jobs, housing, healthcare and retail in the Mission Bay, the SFMTA constructed a new center platform along 3rd Street between South and 16th streets. This new, larger platform services both the inbound and outbound trains and greatly expands transit capacity for large crowds. The two fomer platforms, which were split as separate inbound and outbound, were demolished as part of the project. The greater size of the new and improved platform enables four, two-car trains to load simultaneously during larger events. When needed, the platform will also allow for trains to depart inbound from both sides of the platform to connect customers quickly to BART, CalTrain and eventually the Central Subway.

During parts of fall 2018 and winter 2019, work on the platform required bus substitution on a portion of the KT: K Ingleside/T Third line. K Ingleside trains operated from Balboa Park to Embarcadero Station. T Third Buses traveled from Spear & Market to Bayshore Boulevard and Sunnydale Avenue. Buses services all stops on the surface and signs helped direct customers to the boarding locations. Some stops had modified locations due to construction activities. Customers traveling on Muni Metro with a destination towards Bayshore and Sunnydale transfered to a T Third bus at Embarcadero Station.

Construction elements included in the project:

  • Remove the two existing platforms at 3rd and South streets
  • Build a new center island platform
  • Widen the track to accommodate the new island platform
  • Install new overhead wires that power trains
  • Update utility lines and street lights to support the new center island platform
  • Upgrade the traffic signals at 3rd and South streets as well as 3rd Street and Campus lane  

Project Updates

T Third Bus SubstitutionT Bus Icon

The T Third line will be replaced with bus service. Please visit the T Third Bus Substitution page for information on NextMuni predictions, schedules and boarding locations.

Construction Schedule and Summary (Updated 7/16/2019)
Phase Start End Work Happening

November 25, 2018

November 26, 2018

Partial platform demolition, including cutting concrete on platform

Part of 3rd St will be closed and Muni will reroute


November 30, 2018

December 3, 2018

Full demolition of platform, some track work

Part of 3rd St will be closed and Muni will reroute

C January 22, 2019

February 9, 2019

Track work, begin platform reconstruction 

Part of 3rd St will be closed and Muni will reroute


February 9, 2019

End of March 2019

Continue platform construction

3rd St will reopen to traffic


Saturday, May 25, 2019
4:00 a.m.

For approximately 10 days

Continue platform construction
3rd St will remain open to traffic


Saturday, July 27, 2019
4:00 a.m.

For approximately 10 days

Continue platform construction

Rail work and planned platform testing

T Third rail service returns after Phase E, but work on the Mission Bay Platform will continue. Board the T Third train at either Mission Rock or Mariposa.

Other Muni Changes

    Project Timeline
    Summer 2018
    Planning and design
    Early 2019
    Bus Substitution
    Summer 2019
    Substantial Completion
    Tình Trạng Dự Án (Project Status)
    1. Completed
    Cost Estimate
    $50 M
    Thời Gian Hoàn Tất Dự Đoán (Predicted Completion)
    Summer 2019
    Project Success
    On budget
    On schedule
    Cải Tiến (Improvements)
    Muni Metro train
    SFMTA Accessibility icon


      Thông Tin Liên Hệ (Contact Information)
      Erin McMillan