The Merriment and Marvel of San Francisco's Cable Cars

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Friday, July 29, 2016

How fun was the 53rd Cable Car Bell Ringing Contest?

Today we bring you a new video to remind you of that fun day and a neat historical photo showing the amazing look at the machinery behind San Francisco's remarkable and unique Cable Car system.

First is one of the fantastic photos from the SFMTA Photo Archive which we posted yesterday on Instagram, which shows a rare peek beneath a cable car turntable.

A photo from May 10, 1950 shows a cable car turntable being lowered by crane on to a cable car turnaround.

You can find countless awesome photos like these by exploring the SFMTA Photo Archive online and by following our Instagram account.

And if you missed the Cable Car Bell Ringing Contest earlier this month, don't fret: You can relive the day with our new video:


53rd Cable Car Bell Ringing Contest

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