Underground Fuel Tank Replacement at Muni Kirkland Yard

Giới thiệu Dự án (Project Introduction)

fA Bird's Eye View of Muni Kirkland Yard

Muni Kirkland Bus Yard

The work, located at northeast side of Kirkland Yard next to Beach and Stockton streets, will involve excavation and removal of the old tanks, and installation of two new tanks.  The new fueling system will store renewable diesel with added features such as double-wall tanks, a new monitoring system to detect leaks and faster more reliable dispensers. During excavation of tanks, existing soil and water, if found contaminated, will be treated on site and disposed appropriately.

The SFMTA will work with the contactor to minimize the inconveniences for Muni customers, local merchants and nearby residents, however there will be temporary stop relocation and short-term construction impacts including:

  • Relocation of the E and F stop at southwest corner of Beach and Stockton to the southeast corner

  • The relocated stop is not accessible. The closest accessible stop is on Beach at Mason. 
  • Sidewalk closure on south side of Beach Street. Please use the north side of the street.

  • Street parking removal for staging on North Point

  • Office trailer stationed at northeast corner of Stockton and North Point

  • Traffic lane closures where necessary

  • Noise and dust during excavation

  • Possible odors from excavation of contaminated soil

Work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weekend work may be required. Our goal is to work as efficiently as we can and open up the sidewalk on south of Beach Street in about three months. The regular E and F stop will resume service at the same time. A detour will be provided on the other side of Beach Street for pedestrians. Traffic lanes next to the construction site may be closed as needed.   

The SFMTA will continuously update the community on traffic and service adjustments with fliers, signage, social media postings and ambassador support as construction proceeds.

Also as part of the contract, the Flynn and Scott yards will each have two underground waste tanks replaced with above ground waste tanks. Work at Flynn will take place simultaneously with Kirkland and Scott will follow afterwards.

Tình Trạng Dự Án (Project Status)
  1. Current
Bus Routes and Rail Lines
Các Khu Phố (Neighborhoods)