5-15-18 MTAB Item 10.4 Changes to Fees - Transportation Code Amendment
5-15-18 MTAB Item 10.5 Disposal of Street Cars
5-15-18 MTAB Item 11 Zero Emission Policy
5-15-18 MTAB Item 12 Emerging Mobility
Geary Community Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation Deck - May 15, 2018
Broadway - Open House Documents
Taxi Town Hall Meeting May 14, 2018 Agenda
Dear Taxi Industry Members, Please find the agenda for the May 14th Taxi Town Hall meeting attached, along with the PFM/Schaller report: Evaluation and Recommendations to Improve the Health of the...
Friday May 25, 2018
Indiana Street Bikeway Project Proposed Designs
ISCOTT Minutes 1431, May 10, 2018
051018 SFMTA Weekend Transit and Traffic Advisory PDF
ISCOTT 1431 Minutes, May 10, 2018
Human Rights Commission Racial Equity Resolution
This is a resolution of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission and resides on their website.
Taxi Task Force Agenda May 9
Taxi Task Force Meeting May 9
Townsend Corridor Improvement Project - Draft Corridor Plan May 2018
Draft plan for bicycle, pedestrian, and transit improvements on Townsend Street from 3rd Street to 8th Street.
Townsend Corridor Improvement Project - Draft Plan 4th to 5th Street, May 2018
Draft Plan for bicycle, pedestrian, and transit improvements on Townsend Street from 4th Street to 5th Street.
Townsend Corridor Improvement Project - Draft Detailed Block Plans, May 2018
Draft plans showing improvements for bicycles, pedestrians, and transit on each block of Townsend Street from 4th Street to 8th Street. Please contact Charlie Ream at charlie.ream@sfmta.com with any...
Meeting Material, Paratransit Coordinating Council Meeting, May 9, 2018
Engineering Public Hearing Agenda, May 4, 2018
Engineering Public Hearing Agenda, May 4, 2018
050318 SFMTA Weekend Transit and Traffic Advisory PDF
5-7-2018 Taxi Town Hall Agenda
May 3, 2018 - Open House Presentation Boards
5-3-18 CAC Agenda
5-3-18 CAC Item 8 SFMTA Zero Emission Policy 2018
5-1-18 MTAB Item 13 Presentation - Shared E-Moped Parking Permit Program
ISCOTT Agenda 1431, May 10, 2018
Disclosure of Labor Agreement with TWU Local 200
Disclosure of Labor Agreement with TWU Local 200
4-25-18 EMSC Minutes
Disclosure of Labor Agreement with TWU Local 200
Disclosure of Labor Agreement with TWU Local 200