Employee rating: My concerns, questions, and suggestions are welcomed and acted upon quickly and appropriately (Archived Metric)

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Objective 4.4: Create a more diverse and inclusive workforce


Employee rating: My concerns, questions, and suggestions are welcomed and acted upon quickly and appropriately


Measuring whether employees feel their feedback is valued helps the SFMTA assess how well the agency is creating a culture of collaboration, inclusivity, and positivity.


Rating is measured by dividing the number of respondents who either somewhat or strongly agree with the statement, “My concerns, questions, and suggestions are welcomed and acted upon quickly and appropriately,” by the total number of responses and is reported agency-wide.


sum ([number of respondents who either somewhat or strongly agree]) ÷ sum ([number of responses])


Achieve 2% increase per year over FY17 baseline

Reporting Frequency



For questions, comments, and accessibility issues, please contact the Performance Team at performance@sfmta.com.


Ratings are collected through the annual Employee Engagement Survey and weighted by employee division response rates.

No Employee Survey was conducted in FY19 or FY20.


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