Regulated and Emerging Mobility Feedback



The SFMTA is eager to hear your comments, compliments and complaints about transportation services provided by other entities who, depending on the service, the SFMTA may regulate or permit. These services include:

The SFMTA may use public feedback about these and other emerging mobility services in the following ways:

  • To guide enforcement of traffic laws governing service users
  • To evaluate permittees and enforce permit terms and conditions
  • To inform SFMTA and city policy, and
  • To inform other public agencies that may have jurisdiction over a service.
Thank you for feedback! To provide feedback on issues not related to these services, please visit SFMTA Contact Us or SF311.     

Service Information


Please describe your feedback in detail. Request for Service: If you have a complaint about a specific incident, such as a blocked sidewalk, please describe the incident in detail and fill out location information in the following section. We will respond to the incident within 72 hours. General feedback: Submit your detailed comment and we will send your feedback to the appropriate team for review.
Provide as much detail as you can!
Incident Details - if applicable

Enter as mm-dd-yyyy

hh:mm am/pm For example, 11:00 am, 4:30 pm, 9:37 pm, or 12:15 am

Contact Preference
Providing your contact information permits us to contact you, if we need more information or to provide you with updates. 
Contact Information