Request a New or Expanded Permit Area

Learn about the petition and review process for bringing parking permits to your neighborhood. 

RPP Map 

Interactive Permit Area MapStatic Permit Area Map

RPP Extension

San Francisco’s Residential Parking Permit (RPP) program governs on-street parking in certain neighborhoods of the City, extending privileges to residents and businesses in those neighborhoods. There are 31 RPP Areas; adding blocks to these RPP Areas typically is initiated by requests from residents. How RPP Areas are extended can differ based on the regulation of the street needing the extension. Generally, blocks with meters or other regulations simply apply for eligibility in the nearest area.  Blocks without regulation must receive new parking regulations in addition to eligibility, a process that requires a petition from the block and an analysis of the suitability of regulations. 

Our full policy is available in this document.

How to Create, Rescind or Modify a Permit Area

Welcome to the Residential Parking Permit (RPP) Area Extension Request Form. This form is the first step in requesting an extension of RPP eligibility and/or regulation to your block or building. Once submitted, SFMTA staff will review the form and let you know what the next steps are based on the type of extension being requested. If this is your first time filling out this form, you do not need to upload any documents. Look up a previously submitted request.

This is not the application for an RPP permit; if your home or business is already part of an RPP area, please fill out a Residential Parking Permit online application instead. 

Please complete the information requested below and upload the completed expansion petition


*Each file uploaded must be less than 30MB




Contact Information
SFMTA Residential Parking Policy Team