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1-21-20 MTAB Item 14 Contract Amendment - Muni Yard Design and Development
1-21-20 MTAB Item 15 Contract Amendment with SWCA - Environmental Review and Outreach
Super Bowl 50: 3 Jackson Reroute & Terminal Change, ends Feb. 11
Updated Feb. 10: This reroute is now through Feb. 11. The regular route will be served on Friday, Feb. 12. Due to the Super Bowl 50 street closures, several Muni lines have been rerouted to increase...
SFMTA Weekend Transit and Traffic Advisory For Saturday, January 18, 2020
HeadsUp: Nightly Subway Maintenance Starting January 26
The subway will be closing early each night at 9:30 p.m. starting January 26 and continuing for approximately one week for extended maintenance hours. Bus substitution service will connect to all...
Alemany Open House Comments and Feedback - December 2019
Take Our New Shared Rides Survey
As San Francisco continues to grow, moving more people in fewer vehicles will maximize the efficiency and sustainability of our transportation system. While the percentage of people traveling by...
Korean First Presbyterian Church
Harney-101 Transit Crossing Project Open House
Join our open house for the Harney-101 Transit Crossing Project co-hosted by Little Hollywood Neighborhood Association and the SFMTA. The SFMTA wants to hear your thoughts and concerns about the...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: January 18 - 31, 2020
As part of the Geary Rapid Project, work to replace aging water and sewer lines on Geary Boulevard, in coordination with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, continues. Water main replacement...
Transportation Demand Management Parking Analysis, Summer 2014
Van Ness BRT Community Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda - January 23, 2020
Super Bowl 50: 6 Haight/Parnassus Reroute & Terminal Change, ends Feb. 11
Updated Feb. 10: This reroute is now through Feb. 11. The regular route will be served on Friday, Feb. 12. Due to the Super Bowl 50 street closures, several Muni lines have been rerouted to increase...
1-22-20 EMSC Item 8 Bayview Community-Based Transportation Plan
Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda January 23, 2020
Van Ness Avenue Construction Forecast: January 20, 2020 - January 31, 2020
Those traveling on the corridor are advised to stay alert and allow more travel time during construction. Polk Street, one block east of Van Ness Avenue, is a recommended alternative for people...