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Octavia Boulevard Enhancement Project - SFMTA/Public Works Open House
The SFMTA has scheduled a series of public events that coincide with a trial week-long closure of Octavia Street adjacent to Patricia’s Green (Linden to Hayes), March 31 through April 7. The...
Commuter Shuttle Program 24th Street Community Open House
The SFMTA is holding an open house about shuttle stop placement along 24th Street. There is no set agenda, so community members are welcome to drop by the library at any time between 6 and 8pm to talk...
Meet the Expert - April 5, 2017
Curious about how city agencies plan for future generations of San Franciscans? Join us for a conversation with Bradley Dunn from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to learn more about...
Ho's Bootleg Tavern
Engineering Public Hearing, April 14, 2017
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 5756 adopted March 31, 2017, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency held a public hearing to solicit public input on the following proposed changes. Opinions on...
Engineering Public Hearing, April 14, 2017.pdf
Bernal Heights Residential Parking Permit Pilot Community Meeting
The SFMTA and Northwest Bernal Heights Residents invite you to a public meeting to discuss residential permit parking for northwest Bernal Heights. Please join us to hear details about next steps in...
Balboa Park Station Community Advisory Committee, March 28, 2017
Draft- BPSCAC meeting minutes March 28 2017.pdf
Color Curb Public Hearing, April 28, 2017
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 5761 adopted April 14, 2017 the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency held a public hearing to solicit public input on the proposed changes. Opinions on these...
Color Curb Public Hearing Notice, April 28, 2017.pdf
Vicente Safety Project at Public Hearing
City Hall, Room 408 The Vicente Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Project proposal to increase bicycle and pedestrian safety on Vicente Street from 17th Avenue to the Lower Great Highway is...
Engineering Public Hearing, May 5, 2017
Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 5764 adopted April 21, 2017, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency held a public hearing to solicit public input on the proposed changes. Opinions on these...