Welcome to the Sutter Street Quick-Build Project!
The Sutter Street Quick-Build Project is committed to delivering transportation safety and comfort on the project corridor from Market Street to Polk Street for all users, as well as improving transit reliability and bike network connectivity. The project will consider travel patterns, community input, and technical feasibility to inform designs that address safety issues, including the implementation of pedestrian safety improvements, protected bike facilities, curb management changes, traffic signal retiming, and transit-only lane adjustments.
The project team will be concurrently reaching out to local stakeholders this Fall while developing design concepts and will share proposals in 2024.
Do you own or operate a business along Sutter Street? We are interested in learning more about your curb use needs. Please take the following survey so we can better understand deliveries, passenger pick-ups and drop-offs, and other activities that require the use of the sidewalk curb at your location. Your feedback will inform street designs for improving traffic safety for all users of Sutter Street and increasing the city’s bicycle network connectivity.
For more information, please visit the project webpage at SFMTA.com/SutterQB or email the project team at SutterQB@sfmta.com.