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Irving Street Streetscape Changes Presentation & Open House

Survey Available: Inner Sunset Streetscape Improvement Project Provide your input on upcoming Irving streetscape improvements. Make sure to review the project boards and flyer before filling out the...


67 Bernal Heights Ripley Reroute Proposal

Proposed Change The SFMTA, in response to neighborhood concerns, is proposing a reroute to the inbound 67 Bernal Heights (towards 24th Street BART) via Bernal Heights Boulevard. Buses traveling to the...

Project update

Project Shares Initial Proposals

Feedback received during the first round of outreach helped our project team develop initial proposals that we shared with the community in the fall of 2022. We have shared the proposals and received...

Project update

Potrero Yard Modernization Project Spring 2024 Newsletter

Hello, Neighbors! Welcome to the third edition of the Potrero Yard Modernization Project newsletter. Check out our updates since November to replace Muni's obsolete, century-old bus yard with a modern...


Executive Summary

Background San Francisco is home to an estimated 187,000 adults ages 60 and older and 38,000 adults ages 18-64 living with a disability. Nearly two-thirds of the disabled population are people of...


About Accessible Services

Accessible Services Mission Statement In pursuit of equity and inclusion, the Accessible Services Section of the SFMTA supports implementation of system-wide Muni transit improvements that meet and...


Guiding Visions and Values

This section outlines the core principles, values and long-term aspirations that guide the SFMTA's decision-making and goal-setting throughout the Accessibility Strategy's implementation. SFMTA...


Who We Serve

Use these links to jump to sections on this page: Data on Disability and Aging in San Francisco Profile of Older Adults in San Francisco Challenges Facing Older Adults Profile of People with...



Why does the Accessibility Strategy use both “people with disabilities” and “disabled people”? Some in the disability community prefer person-first language, which recognizes the person before the...


Women's Herstory Month Book List

SFMTA Women’s Herstory Month 2024 Reading List A short list of books that the cultural heritage working group put together for this month to engage you in your ongoing learning of the contributions...