Public Hearing Notice: SFMTA Board of Directors Meeting, October 17, 2023

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Notice is hereby given that the SFMTA Board of Directors intends to hold a public hearing on the following item and on other matters on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, beginning at 1:00pm. Additional information may be found on the meeting webpage

  • Proposed Legislation: Amending Transportation Code, Division II, Section 801 for permit parking on Hyde Street between McAllister and Grove streets, Leavenworth Street between Golden Gate Avenue and McAllister Street and Larkin Street between McAllister and Grove streets.
  • Proposed LegislationAmending Transportation Code, Division II, Section 601, to designate a full-time transit-only area on Hyde Street between Eddy and McAllister streets; and approving various traffic and parking modifications between Geary and McAllister streets to improve transit and pedestrian safety as part of the Hyde Street Quick-Build Project.
  • Proposed LegislationAmending Transportation Code Division II, Section 601, to designate full-time transit-only areas on San Jose Avenue between Ocean Avenue and Cotter Street; and approving various parking and traffic modifications including designation of a Class IV bikeway at Church and Market Street